Chapter 1

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Of course it's the high school night. You know the night that supposed to be the time of your life as quoted by my schoolmates? It usually happens like this; picking up a nice dress for shocking, jaw-dropping prices only for one night, showing up with a corsage that'll probably wither the next day and dancing all night long while wearing inches of heels.

Just by thinking at it makes me feel tired.

At least some of the girls or boys- hands up if you feel the same- decided to stay in nothing but the comforts of the huge sweatshirt and pajamas, and my favorite book of all time. It's better to repeat the same book all over again instead of going through the night of torture aka heels.

Not salty just because I know for sure no one's going to ask me anyway so why bother?

The sound of my door creaking caught my attention knowing that one of my brothers is peaking in like they always did since we were kids. Their reason; so you won't be sneaking in boys. Again, like why would I do that when my first love didn't even showed up on my eight birthday until now? He should've told me that he's not going to show up his face ever again, I could've kissed him back then.

My lips remained virgin.

I sighed very loudly, taking my eyes from Nicholas Ryder's charismatic details and manly voice just as it says. I just wished that guys in books exist in this world; I'll legit be happy and could be riding a horse with him towards the breathtaking sunset.

Ride to forever as they say it novels.

"Sis!" the loud voice of Abcd- my eldest brother- boomed myself out of daydreaming. "You're actually looking up, are you praying?"

"Praying for you to go away. God please banish him from my sight." I groaned very loudly, annoyed by his nosy present inside of my room. That is just how siblings work, a huge mission to annoy each other every single day.

"Good one." But he completely ignored my statement and went for the opposite as he let himself in, settling himself on the comforts of my bed. "Why aren't you getting ready?"

"Why aren't you leaving?" I spoke as soon as he's done.

Instead of being offended, he laughed and turned over to his side so he was looking up at me. His dark brown hair fell like vines in front of his gray eyes that he inherited from dad while I'm suffering in dark brown eyes from my mom. This is the main reason why I've witnessed a lot of girls calling him from his phone and he made me answer it in hopes they'll leave him alone.

But not until a beautiful rainbow-haired girl came barging in our own house trying to find Abcd. Thankfully, he was staying at the university so his bum was safe. He's attractive I admit but I can't help but laugh whenever someone else compliment him about his looks.

"It's your first high school night after all." He said, eyes never leaving mine in hopes of changing my mind. "I don't understand why you aren't attending such an eventful night like all of those girls passed by in front of our house screaming."

"I would like to inform you that not all of the girls want to be in the same auditorium just to dress up and dance. Some girls just want to stay in bed and wear baggy clothes." I spoke like some celebrity doing an interview.

A disgusting snort came from him, obviously. "Now that's the definition of introvert I know of based on my experience living with you." He sat down, legs crossed as he fixed his hair. "Say, you never went to a club before, right?"

With an agonizing gasp coming from me, I closed my book and settle it on my nightstand. "You went into a club?!" I was exaggerating but I want him to get caught as soon as possible. "I'm telling mom!"

Sprinting down the stairs with screams as I called my mom, I was laughing entirely but a pair of hands caught me, locking me in place. Bryan, the middle brother, caught me before I even step a foot inside the kitchen where my mom is probably at.

"Gotcha!" he spoke playfully.

Bryan Andrews, a playful and sarcastic brother of all time, in the same university as Abcd. Both of them are always a team when it comes to messing up my home life. I, as in individual, am always plotting some kind of revenge plan just to get them back. Most of the time it works but I'm outnumbered so 70% of it fails like right now.

Abcd's heavy footsteps were heard, and his heavy breathing echoed but the sound of his laugh irritates me even more. I hate this.

"Thanks bro. I'm dead if she ever spoke about that night." This isn't over yet, the war between us never ends!

"We're both dead meat if that ever happens." Bryan had a chance to laugh at this point by the revenge plan in my head tells me throw him back but I never had that strength.


I bit his hand- he shrieked like a girl by the way- causing him to retrieve his arm back as I kept on running towards the kitchen. Thankfully, mom was peacefully making us dinner. I hid behind her back before my brothers stepped inside. Their faces were red, hollowed cheeks and were looking at each other with terrified expressions.

I won.

"Hey mom, do you want to hear a secret?" I spoke, hugging her from behind.

She hummed in her angelic voice, glancing at the three of us before telling me to proceed what mess my brothers did. Just to tease the both of them, I stuck my tongue out. Abcd was about to give me the finger but retrieved when mom looked at him.

"They went into a club for a night and Abcd barged in my room again." I told her quickly and probably die of laughing in victory. "Without my permission."

The change of mom's expression and the paleness of my brothers were enough for me to burst into laughter but in my case- I kept a straight smirking face. Mom's hands were placed on her waist, steadying herself into a nagging session.

"How many time do I have to tell you to give your sister some privacy?" the softness of her tone sounds like she isn't mad but she actually is. "And I'm okay with going to clubs but I'm having some flashback on how you showed up last week, in here, with bruises!"

Uh-oh. They've been caught! Oh man! A victory dance for me!

"Oh God, I swear if-"was cut off by the voice of my dad, you know how dads sound-like, masculine like a king but with softness in different scenarios like this.

"Who's swearing and what bruises?" he spoke, walking over to mom, hugged her then pecked her on the lips.


"Okay, enough soap opera. Let's watch a movie." Bryan was the first one to spoke since the whole kissing part- first one to break the silence falling. "No old couples aloud."

Mom and dad took it lightly and laughed at them, but when dad was about to kiss her again, we are quick to react.

"Okay, I'm done!"

"Let's watch The Boss Baby!" I followed them out before hearing them saying no in chorus.


A bomb attack took place today in Manchester Arena, England after Ariana Grande's concert. Praying for the 22 angels that died- just praying for everyone. The world now is a bad place, it's sickening to read some immature asses over twitter on how Ari used this for publicity. People who are only sick in the head thinks of this- it's hypocrite.

also, edited the first chapter!

keep safe everyone, love you xxxx

i love harry styles

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