16: Nandini

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I came back home at 3:10PM, and he was up. I decided to rub some salt on the wound and asked him "How was your meeting?" Obviously he was sleeping and there was no meeting, but let him know that I am in control and not him. "It went well. Thank you for breakfast... I am not sure if I mentioned earlier, but I especially enjoyed drinking the coffee you made. After today, I think I am going to shift from drinking wine to coffee in the morning. Make some for me every morning." He said as I stood there stunned by his words. Ayyappa! Does he know I drugged him? Oh no, he does! What do I do? Nandini, calm down. Stay in control of the situation. "Sure, I will make some in the morning." I said keeping my cool. So what if he knew. I don't care. He didn't say anything after that, so I went into my room to change. I changed into my pyjamas as I knew I wasn't going to go out. Since I was late to join S.P.A.C.E, they couldn't do an orientation with me, so instead they gave me a booklet. I sat on the bed and I decided to read it. Boring stuff, it put me to sleep. I was tired and sleepy as I didn't sleep much thanks to the the treat of the monster sleeping in the next room. I woke up at 5 something and noticed that I was sleeping with a blanket covering me. I don't remember covering myself. That monster!!! Its so difficult to read that idiot. Sometimes he torments me and sometimes he is so caring. It was time for dinner when I walked out of my room. I saw a lady cooking something in the kitchen. She must be the cook the monster was talking about. "Hi aunty, I am..." I was about to introduce myself before she interrupted me. " You are Nandini ma'am. Sir informed me earlier. "  "Oh" I said. "I am Uma, Sir's chef. Sir has asked me to make some penne arrabiata with red wine. Would you want some of that, or should I make something else for you ma'am?" she asked me. "I dont drink wine, could you make whatever that is without the wine? and please don't call me ma'am."  I informed her. It was weird being called ma'am. At home, I mean in Mangalore, all the help called us by our name, except for Ams as she was the eldest in the house. "Sure, I can make that for you ma'am. I am sorry, but all Sir's guests have to be called respectfully."  Weird he is! It was about 8PM and I was hungry. There was no sign of him around the house, so I asked Uma aunty "Will sir be joining me for dinner?" Weirdly enough, even I have begun using "sir" . "Yes" She replied. I picked up my phone and called him " Hello Sir! Dinner is ready. If you are not coming to the table in 5 minutes, I am going to start without you." I said. " Go ahead! who asked you to wait?" Why did I even make this call and why did I even think of waiting for him! Who is he to me anyway. I sat on the table, and was about to eat what Uma aunty had served, when he came. "I got held up in a meeting."  He said. We both ate quietly. Of course, he asked Uma to pour him some expensive sounding wine. Why does he like it so much? When I drank alcohol, it tasted yuck and it burned my throat. How does he drink so much wine everyday? Anyway, we went our separate ways after dinner. I went to bed early even though I was not sleepy enough as I have my first day of college tomorrow. 

I woke up at 4AM, got dressed, ate what Uma aunty had made. I was about to leave, when I remembered Manik's words "After today, I think I am going to shift from drinking wine to coffee in the morning. Make some for me every morning."  I went to the kitchen, and made some coffee, sans the sleeping pills. I really don't know why I made some for him, or why I even gave respect to his words. But I did. I left it on the table, and covered it with a lid, so that it stays warm. He was walking out of his room wearing his shorts and nothing above! Why does he roam about half-naked all the time when he knows there is a girl in the house?!  "Good morning" I said. "Good morning. Where are you off to so early?" he asked. " I don't have to tell you anything. We lead individual lives, remember."  "Oh, then why were you waiting for me to eat dinner yesterday then?" He asked logically. "That... That... I don't know ok. Bye."  I stammered not knowing what to say to him, when I myself couldn't understand why I did that.  "I know you are going to college. I will drop you." He said. " You probably have a lot of work to do, I can manage."  I said, hoping he would leave it and mind his own business. " I am going to meet someone at S.P.A.C.E anyway." He said while I stood there in shock. "How do you know where I am going to study?" I asked him. " You probably didnt pay any attention while you were reading the booklet. My family owns the college Ms. Murthy." Oh yes. His mother owns S.P.A.C.E, how could I forget. "Wait for a few minutes, I will get ready and we can go"  He didn't give me a choice did he! I sat on the sofa in the living room waiting for him to come. He came wearing a dark grey suit, white shirt and a maroon tie. His dressing reminded me of James Bond! Nevertheless, he looked like he was going for an important meeting.  "Lets go" he said. We went downstairs and there were so many fancy cars. He opened the drivers seat of one of them and waited for me to sit. I was about to sit in the back seat when I heard his voice. " I am not your driver. Sit in the front."  I said " I can sit wherever I want. I am not your servant to follow your orders!" He paused for a while, thinking and said " well, maybe not, but for the rest of the world, you are my servant. Or as I call it my spot girl."  What an arrogant idiot! I opened the backseat door, but he came out, picked me up and buckled me up in the front passenger seat. Ya, he is a monster. Thankfully, we reached S.P.A.C.E. I was about to get out when he said "remember, you are my spot girl to the rest of the world including people at S.P.A.C.E. " I was going to retort when he spoke again " Before you argue and make a fuss, its for your own good. You don't want the whole world, including your grandmother knowing of our little secret do you? Gossip spreads, and before you know it your name will be tied up with mine and so on. " He made sense. I definitely didn't want Ams or anyone else knowing about this. "Ok, but don't expect me to be a servant at home."  I said to which he replied " Oh never. That isn't my plan anyway." Plan, what is he talking about. Never mind, didn't want to waste my energy thinking of the nonsense he speaks sometimes.

I stepped out of the car, feeling free after what felt like ages. I didn't have to worry about the monster trying to kill me or torture me, I didn't have to worry about Ams finding out or anything else. I walked into class, and saw a few students talking to each other. "Hi, is this the business and accounting second year class?" I asked them. "Yes, and you must be Nandini Malhotra, the special admission. We heard you are related to Manik Malhotra. He is so hot yaar!" I didn't know what to say... I am his wife, spot girl... "Ummm... I just have the same last name, and work as his spot girl when I am free."

"OMG!" one of the girls declared. "What?" another one asked her. "She is like a call girl for Manik!"  Oh no! what are they thinking. Chi. Me and Manik. Call girl? Before I could clarify myself, the OMG girl said to me, " he must be so good. You are so lucky." Gosh! "Please stop it. I work as a servant or maid, when I am free to make some money to pay for college."

They all looked at me with varied expressions. "Oh ok. Cool." the OMG girl said. " Its ok." I said and sat by myself. They didn't talk to me or even look at me after that. It was boring.

The week went my in a routine way. Wake, up, get ready, go to college, attend lectures, come back, study, eat, and sleep. Oh I forgot to mention, I make coffee every morning for Manik and his driver drops me to college.

On Friday morning, my usual routine was interrupted when I heard my phone ring in class. I cut the call and checked who it was later. It was Navya! Maybe she called to find out how I am and how that monster is treating me during the week. I picked up when she called again, and before I could say a word she yelled "Nandu! I am moving to Mumbai and joining S.P.A.C.E" ok, what?!  "So, when are you joining?" I asked her. "Monday." She said. We spoke for a while and I didn't tell her all the bad things the monster does, as I didn't want to make her feel guilty.

I was in for a bigger shock, when my business professor came in with Manik later during the day.

"Good afternoon students. As you all might already know, this is Mr. Manik Malhotra, the owner of Malhotra Industries. He will be guest lecturing for the week starting today. I think you all would benefit from leading from his experiences as an entrepreneur."



Hello folks!

Thank you again for all the love and support!

Sorry that I disappeared. I lost connectivity while I was travelling. So, to make up for the lost time, I wrote the longest chapter I think I have ever written (definitely the longest in this ff!)

Hope you like it!

Oh and, the next part will also be updated soon. Again, I am very sorry that I didn't update on time.



Upside Down: A MaNan MarriageOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant