18: Nandini

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"Oh and Ms Nandini... I do like the way your lips taste. How much would you charge for another kiss?"
Thats what he says to me after forcefully kissing me. I could feel blood rush to my head, not sure if it was due to my intense anger towards this monster of a man who harassed me or due to the kiss, which was my first when I was conscious (Hint: That monster kissed me at the Church after we married each other in Las Vegas).
I sat in my seat crying with a mixture of emotions while the guy sitting beside me started to run his finger across my arm while he asked "Do you only kiss Mr. Malhotra, or can I offer you a deal?" What audacity did that guy have to ask me things like that?! I looked up and saw the monster staring at me with a content look on his face.Its all because of Manik. I have to do something, but what can I do? He owns this college, so I cannot report him here. If I take the issue to the press or police, our marriage news would spread like wildfire. I had no way of stopping him. Just as I was thinking of his trap, he called my name yet again in class... "Ms Murthy, class is over, get up and follow me." I had no idea 2 hours of class went by so fast, I couldn't pay attention to anything he said. Everybody looked at me as I got up and walked towards Manik and said "but Sir, I have accounting class now." I don't know what gave me the confidence to speak up to him after he humiliated me, but I did. "I have paid you to service my need." He said as he gripped my wrist and dragged me out in front of my class. He kept dragging me as I yelled "Leave me" while students watched in horror and amusement. I heard one voice say "Manik Malhotra is back."  What were they talking about, how do they know that he is so evil? And why don't they stop him? My mind was splitting with unanswered questions and pain when we finally halted in what looked like a deserted staircase. "Thats what you get for playing games with me"  he said standing very close to me. "I know you are here just to take revenge on my... I am sorry, just leave me alone" I begged. "Hahaha, leave you alone? No way, I have a lot planned for you and your lovely friend who was instrumental in our marriage!" Wait.. What?
"How do you know Navya is coming here?" I quizzed him
He left me there with tears in my eyes. I sat on the stairs crying about my life, when I felt someone touch my shoulder from behind. I jumped as I was frightened that Monster Manik was up to something. I turned back reluctunly as I didn't want to see Manik's face again, at least not today. To my happiness, it was not Manik, but another fear engulfed me. Could this boy be a set up of Manik? Does he also think I am a prostitute for hire?
He wiped me tears and said "Don't cry, I saw the way Manik Sir treated you. If I could do anything to help, let me know." He said.
"Thanks" I said to this anonymous boy. Something about his concern felt real, I felt safe from Monster Manik's torturous world when this anonymous boy consoled me. As we both sat there in silence, we heard the bell ring. It was the end of the day. "Can I drop you home?"  He asked.
I didn't want to go home, not to that monster's home anyway, but I had no choice. I would have loved to spend more time with this boy who made me forget my worries, but I couldn't let him see where I live. "No thank you. I already have a ride home." I said.
"Ok... Can I walk you to the entrance at least? I don't feel comfortable leaving you here like this." He said very sweetly. I smiled in what felt like ages. "Yes, sure you can." I said instantaneously. We walked slowly across corridors and classrooms before reaching the college entrance. "You are sure you will be fine? " He asked me when his car arrived. "I will be" I said. "Ok, I am taking your word for it. See you on Monday?" He asked me. I nodded a yes. "Oh in all this drama, I forgot to introduce myself..." He said before leaving. "I am Aryaman."  "Nice to meet you Aryaman, I am Nan..." I said before he completed my sentence. "Nandini, I know." We shook hands and smiled at each other.  For some time at least, I wasn't thinking of going home to that monster. As I watched Aryaman's car leave the driveway, reality struck me. I had to go home, I had to return to the monster. I sadly called a cab and left college. I reached home and found that Manik wasn't there. I was happy, but when I went to my room and found a letter from college on my bed, I was shocked.

The letter read:
---------------------------------------------Dear Mrs. Nandini Malhotra,
Your behaviour today with our benefactor and guest lecturer Mr. Manik Malhotra is unacceptable. We have also noted that you have been late to two classes today. We hereby feel that your presence would be harmful for the academic success of our other students. Consider this as your first and last warning. We expect the best behaviour from all our students, and if you break any codes while in college,  we will be forced to expel you.
Chandan Khanna
S.P.A.C.E Academy

I was beyond shocked. First, he misbehaves with me and I get the blame. I have been tortured and he is off the hook! This is unfair. What if he gets me expelled?
It was getting late and there was no sign of him. All I wanted to do was to fight with him and ask him what sort of twisted happiness he gets from all this. What I did was wrong, but he has no right to humiliate me. I ended up sleeping on the couch after a failed search for food. I woke up next morning, and saw that I was sleeping on my bed with my blanket covering me.

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