17: Manik

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Convincing the college principal wasn't difficult at all, considering I provide much of the funds the institution receives and by I, I mean Malhotra Industries. He looked shocked to see me in college after so many years. I never visited, nor did I interfere with the college's affairs because Nyonika was taking care of it. Moving on with the story...

You should have seen the look on the hellcat's face when her business professor introduced me and said " Good afternoon students. As you all might already know, this is Mr. Manik Malhotra, the owner of Malhotra Industries. He will be guest lecturing for the week starting today. I think you all would benefit from leading from his experiences as an entrepreneur." Everyone except her stood up and greeted me in unison. My eyes were glued to hers, as she sat there still in bewilderment that I was in her college, in her classroom and was going to be her lecturer for a week. Her business professor noticed her still sitting down in my presence so he addressed her "Nandini, since you are still seated, you probably have enough energy to take Mr. Malhotra around campus while I set things up for his first lecture." His voice broke our eye contact, and we both looked at the professor. Ah! He is a good man and knows what I want - some alone time with my soon to be divorced wife. Correction my very own personal spot girl. I plan to make this week living hell for her that she will prefer to stay home and never enter S.P.A.C.E Academy or any other college again. I could have just called in a favour and got her expelled for good, but there is no fun in that is there? I want to see her cry while I spoil her future, and break her dreams. I want her to see the old me when I was in... I don't want to remember those days, even though everything about her brings memories of that time of my life back. She deserves to be troubled, tormented and tortured for all the bad memories she brings back in my head.

The hellcat stood up immediately and said " But sir, sorry..." I cut her sentence short by saying "Thank you for agreeing to show me around Ms... " "Ms Nandini" the professor added. "Ms Nandini Murthy" I said without thinking twice or realizing that her official name on file was now Nandini Malhotra. Thankfully no one noticed or understood the significance of what I had said. She had no choice but to accompany me as we tour around the campus. To be honest its not like I need a tour of S.P.A.C.E nor do I think she knows enough to show me around. I just want to spend more time with her. We both walked out of class and as soon as we stepped out, I dragged her to a staircase that not many people use. She was about to scream, so I placed my palm over her mouth to prevent it. As soon as I let go of her, she came up to me and fired questions at me. "What are you doing here? Why did you drag me?..." I placed my index finger on her lips and said as she looked at me in anger, disgust and fear "Shhh... I thought you were smart and would have figured it already. Anyway, I am here to make your life living hell." I head her murmur to herself "like you aren't doing that already already, monster!" "What did you say?" I asked her. "Try as much as you want Mr. Malhotra, but I will not break," She said. Oh so naive Nandini, you have no idea what I can do to you... "Challenge accepted" I said with an evil grin. Poor Nandini... you have no idea of how bad the real me is. You are going down, and I will enjoy every moment of it.

When I went back to class, I found everyone except Nandini. Where was she? How dare she not attended my lecture? Doesn't she know the college rules regarding punctuality? Good for me, if she doesn't attend or comes late, her chances of getting expelled will skyrocket. I was thinking she decided to bunk my lecture, when the hellcat strolls into class 30 minutes late. Perfect opportunity to make her cry!
She stood at the door not wanting to make eye contact with me as I spoke to her class- which by the way was filled with girls her age ogling at me. But my attention was set on breaking her for making me miss my meeting.
"Nandini" I yelled. My sudden mention of her name made her jump in her place and it made loose her balance. I was just a few metres away from her when I noticed her almost falling. Maybe the suddenness of her motion or my view of the danger the fall would cause if she trips on the wood ledge- I ran towards her and held her by her waist. However, I was too late... Not only was she falling, she was pulling me down with her. We both fell on the ground- her on her back and me on top of her. We were so close... My lips met hers... Why on Earth did I have to run towards her and why did we have to end up like this?!
Her lips tasted of cherry... Maybe her lipstick/ lip balm whatever these girls call it. I must admit, I did like the taste. I should tell Alia to buy some. I cannot describe my emotions in specific words but if I have to try it was somewhere in between compassion and disgust. It took both of us a moment to realize what was happening. She hit me hard on my chest and pushed me away. We both got up seemingly ignoring each others presence. I could hear the girls in the class shout: LUCKY GIRL.
Definitely lucky. I could also hear some whistles in the background. She looked flustered and embarrassed by the whole situation. Perfect for me and my plan though.
She was standing there rubbing her lips with tears in her eyes. She was about to run away, but I pulled her back into the room and pushed her so that she landed near the lecturer's desk. She was leaning on the desk as I walked towards her while the whole class was watching us intently.
"Where do you think you are going Ms. Murthy?" I asked her. She didn't reply. "Ok... One more time... Where do you think you are going?" I asked her getting closer to her than she was comfortable with. There... "I...I... Need to go." She said. I bent down and whispered to her "you may need to go, but I will never let you go". I then spoke loudly "You will sit here in class while I lecture. Go to your seat now" I screamed.
She obeyed my orders. Something I didn't expect to come so easily. Once she was seated I said to her in class "Oh and Ms Nandini... I do like the way your lips taste. How much would you charge for another kiss?"
I could see tears rolling down her cheeks and that made me very happy.

So, MaNan first kiss, much like the show, its accidental but will have an impact on them.
Sorry for the 3 month delay in posting this. I had a lot going on in my life and couldn't take time out to write.
Stay happy... Stay positive... Spread the love...

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