Chapter 1

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I will never get used to it; the way the students stared. Not stares of hatred or disgust, but stares of surprise and envy.

I can hardly believe it. Nobody is distancing themselves from me anymore no more bewildered expressions; no in fact, more people are trying to befriend me. I walk along the hallway and make my way to my locker, feeling a bit uncomfortable as my hand wraps tightly around the strap of my satchel. I can't help but think that one of the Jocks is going to come and punch me, or worse, a beating!

I open my locker and remove a few books and add them to the satchel. As I fix my hair I see the cheerleaders walking towards me. I smile and face them.

"Hummel," leaves the beautiful Latino girls lips before I can even say hi. "Hi,Santana!" I respond as her thin arms engulf me in a hug. "Well isn't someone looking good in that Cheerios Uniform!" smirked Santana as she eyes me. "Stop ogling me Santana, you don't have a chance remember!" I say with a smirk.

"No need to remind me Hummel!"

"Oh, I think I do."


I laugh as we start walking to our first shared class, Algebra. As we walk along the corridor, more Cheerios walk beside us as people clear the way for us to walk through. There are a few new Cheerios that I haven't met and one brushes up beside me with an intense gaze. She keeps staring and it's driving me crazy. Santana finally notices and practically barks at the girl. "Back off Amber, he's about as straight as a freaking round-a-bout."

The girl lowers her gaze as a frown replaces the previous grin on her face and turns to walk in the opposite direction.

"Sorry about that Kurt, that must have been so uncomfortable," says the girl's friend before giving a smile and walking after Amber.

I smile in return and continue as I hear those sloppy footsteps come up beside me, Finn.

"Damn Kurt, popular with the ladies I see!"

"Oh shut-up Finn!" I say to my step brother as he walks past. He was probably walking behind us the entire time watching the whole thing.

"Don't you have to go and have a reunion with Rachel or something?"

He gives me his 'death glare' as he walks off, going to find Rachel I presume. Rachel may be one of my best friends, but trust me when I say that she is as annoying as hell on the first day of school.

A smile makes its way across my face as I realise I just shut Finn up. He can be a handful some times.

That smile is quickly removed though by the site of the one and only, Dave Karofsky.

"If it isn't Lady Hummel,"

"What do you want Karofsky?" shouted Santana.

"For Lady Hummel over here, to stop ogling me and the football team!"

"Football team and I..." I mumbled under my breath. There was no way I was going to say that out loud. I guess being popular doesn't protect you from homophobes.

"Karofsky, get over yourself! Like the rest of us, Hummel over here has higher standards than you! We would all rather die than even think of giving you more than a disgusted look."

"Really Santana, is that why half of your cheer squad dated me?"

"Yes, that's also why they dumped you the following day," she replied with a smirk, which seemed to shut him up.

Karofsky's face turned red as he turned to face me, by this time the knotting in my stomach had already started.

"What is wrong with you Lady Hummel? Too much of a fairy to stand up for yourself that you'd rather have a bunch of girls do it for you?"

"I'll have you know that those girls made you shut the hell up so if I were you, I wouldn't say anything about it." The words left my mouth before I even thought of the possible consequences. At that moment, everyone went quiet; surprised to see me talk back to the large ogre.

His next actions hurt like hell. He's large hands found their way to my chest and his arms had emitted a powerful shove. I stumbled back, struggling to maintain my balance and eventually hitting my back against the hard doors of the metal lockers and falling down with a loud thud.

"Talk back to me again and the next time it'll be more than a freaking shove!" he growled as he stepped back and walked away.

"Oh, and Karofsky," shouted Santana. He turned around to look at her as she glared at him. "Your tiny junk could barely satisfy a Cheerio, what makes you think Hummel would even consider it doing him any good?" she grinned and she saw how quickly he's face turned, from proud to sombre.

He stalked off as Santana laughed, clearly amused at his reaction and satisfied that she had gotten the last say. She extended a hand towards me as she turned around "Come on Hummel, we've got Algebra to get to." She said as she helped me up. Just as I was about to say thanks the bell rang.


So that's chapter 1. I hope you guys enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoy writing it. I hope to update weekly. Also, this is my first ever fan-fiction, so please comment. A bit of constructive criticism would be appreciated.

Until next time my fellow Klainers

All the love, N

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