Chapter 1

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Last seen in season 1:

"I'm really sorry, Marinette, but its information is invaluable," Tikki the kwami said as she read over the page with a picture of someone who looked like Hawkmoth.
"Information?" Marinette asked in surprise. "It's all written in code!"
"I know someone who's been looking for this book for a long time," Tikki flew up to face Marinette. "He knows how to decipher the codes."
"So, what exactly is so special about this book?" Marinette questioned.
"It contains all the secrets of the miraculous powers. It's sacred, and extremely dangerous in the wrong hands," Tikki flew around a bit. "He needs it back!"
"I don't get it, Tikki! Just tell me what's going on, please! Who is he?" Marinette said in a rushed voice.
"The Great Guardian," Tikki replied, "and I think it's time for you to finally meet him."


Adrien dumped his books out of his school bag. "Did you take my father's book?" he called to Plagg.
"Of course not!" Plagg called back, his mouth full of Camembert cheese.
"If my father finds out it's missing, I'll have someone worse than Hawkmoth to deal with!" Adrien said frantically, continuing to look through his books.


Marinette peeked her head into the room. Inside was an elderly man, who seemed to be meditating. He opened his eyes and said, "Hello, Ladybug." She stepped into the room, clutching the book, Tikki flying in front of her. When she stepped up to meet the Guardian, the door flew shut behind her.


Now, onto the story of how I imagine Season 2:

Plagg finished eating his piece of Camembert. "Oh, that cheese was heaven. Do you have more?" he asked Adrien, who was still desperately looking for the book.
"Plagg! Now is not the time!" Adrien sighed.
"Okay, okay, in case it is lost, there's one person we can go to. He can tell us if that book was important or not," Plagg suggested.
"Who is 'he'?" Adrien asked, calming down a bit.
Plagg grinned. "The Great Guardian! I'll take you to him if you give me another piece of Camembert."
"Plagg," Adrien said seriously.
"Alright, fine," Plagg sighed. "Come along," he flew out the door, with Adrien following behind.


Adrien opened the door to the room. Inside was an elderly man with a teenage girl about his age....... Marinette? What was she doing here? Plagg zoomed in without asking if they could come in. Marinette turned around to see Adrien at the door.
"Adrien? What are you doing here?" she asked, surprising herself. For the first time in a while, she didn't stutter while talking to him.
"I was going to ask you the same thing," he smiled at her.
"Ah, hello, Chat Noir," the Guardian looked up at him.
"Chat Noir????" Marinette squeaked. Oh my god, she thought, how could I be so blind? Chat Noir and Adrien had the same blonde hair, and same green eyes. And how else would Chat have known that the Adrien that Volpina had kidnapped wasn't the real thing? Simply because it wasn't him. The only difference between those two were their personalities. Chat Noir made puns every single time he had an opportunity, and was extremely cheesy. Adrien, on the other hand, doesn't really flirt, or make puns.
Adrien grinned sheepishly as he entered the room, the door shutting behind him.
"I'm glad you are both here. Sit down next to Ladybug," the Guardian gestured to the empty space next to Marinette.
"Ladybug????" It was Adrien's turn to squeak. Now it all made sense to him. Ladybug and Marinette had the same dark blue-ish hair, and same bluebell eyes. They had the same levels of confidence. How did he not see it before?
"Ooh, I sense awkward tension between these two," Plagg snickered.
"Shut up, Plagg," Adrien hissed at his kwami, his cheeks crimson red.
When Tikki giggled in agreement, Marinette turned pink. "Tikki!" she covered her face.
"This book is very important indeed, Tikki," the Guardian brought the book back out, completely ignoring Marinette and Adrien's slight discomfort.
"Wait, that's my father's book! How did you get it?"Adrien exclaimed and leaned forward.
"Ladybug and her kwami brought it to me," the Guardian replied.
"Then how'd they get it?" he turned to Marinette.
"Well," Marinette tapped her fingers together nervously.
"Marinette was spying on you and Lila and we saw her steal the book when you knocked over your bag. And when you met her at the park, she threw the book in the trash. So we took the book so we could see if it was what I thought it was, then we came to the Guardian," Tikki explained
"Tikki!" Marinette exclaimed, turning even redder. The 'spying' part wasn't necessary, she thought.
Adrien turned a little more red. Ladybug's human self has a crush on me!!! he thought excitedly.
"Anyway," the Guardian interrupted his thoughts, "I'll need to read this over before giving it back."
"I kind of need it back now," Adrien said nervously. "If my dad finds out that it's gone-"
"Tell Gabriel that the Great Guardian needed to borrow it. After all, your dad and I were old friends," the Guardian reassured. He turned to Marinette. "Thank you for bringing me this book, Ladybug."
"Uh, no problem!" Marinette grinned sheepishly in reply.
"Okay, now that's all good," Tikki zipped back to Marinette. "Don't you have to finish your math homework?"
"Oh no, I completely forgot!" Marinette sprang up from the floor. "So sorry to leave abruptly!" she bursted out the door, Tikki giggling as she followed behind.
Adrien looked after her as she left. "Adrien," Plagg flew down to meet him, "are you so lovestruck of Ladybug's human self that you forgot you needed to finish your make-up biology classwork?"
"Gah! That's what I was supposed to do when I got home!" Adrien exclaimed and scrambled up. He turn to the Guardian. "It was very nice to meet you, but I really have to go!"
"Yes, be off now, young one," the Guardian dismissed.
He waited until Adrien and Plagg had left before calling out his own kwami. "Wayzz?"
A green turtle kwami flew out of hiding. "Yes, Master?" he asked.
"This book holds the key to defeating whoever is using the butterfly miraculous to create supervillains. Can you decipher what this says?" the Guardian showed Wayzz the page with the butterfly miraculous.
As Wayzz read the page over, he slowly nodded. "Yes, this can be used to defeat the wielder of the butterfly miraculous. But it's in Tibet. You know we can't travel there."
"We can't, but Ladybug and Chat Noir can," the Guardian suggested. "They can retrieve the item, and hopefully save Nooroo."
"I hope so, Master," Wayzz agreed, "I hope so."
Hiiiii this is a new Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction I'm writing, and I hope you like it so far! I revealed identities early because it makes writing the story a lot easier. And sorry this chapter is short, I didn't have much time to make it longer. Anyway, comment opinions?

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