16 - Perfect imperfections

Start from the beginning

    "Alright, three cokes, one iced tea. I'll be right back!" She says happily, skipping off to another table.

    "So, Sebastian, you like soccer?" Dan raises an eyebrow,

    I nod immediately. "I love it, sir." I smile,

    "I like this one!" He laughs, facing Aria.

    Aria turns to me, a large smile on my face. She leans her elbow on my shoulder, forcing it higher than it should be considering my height. "Yeah, I like him too." She chuckles.


"I think I'm going to explode!" She laughs, holding her stomach.

I lay next to her on her bed, watching her long brown hair as it sprawls across the sheets. "Really? I could go for a Big Mac right about now." I laugh.

She turns her head, a smile plastered across her face. I notice a slight stain of her red lipstick still on her lips. Aria had cleaned off her makeup and changed into shorts and a t-shirt a few minutes ago. "I take that back, I'm always in the mood for McDonalds!"

I laugh, nudging her shoulder. "You looked really nice tonight. Red and black suits you." I compliment.

"Thanks, you didn't look too bad yourself. I'm extremely surprised you showed up wearing a dress shirt," She laughs to herself.

"So am I." I chuckle,

"But, anything for you, Ari." I smile.

She stares at her ceiling, her blue eyes glistening. I find myself examining every detail and curve that is on her body. Her skin wasn't as smooth as it looked, her eyebrows were slightly choppy, her lips were extremely pink and her eyelashes were short. Her hair was slightly greasy and tangled, her waist had grown slightly larger and her collar bone wasn't as noticeable as before.

She wasn't skin and bones, she was average. Her chest wasn't very large compared to most girls I've had experiences with and she didn't try very hard on her looks at all; as most girls do. Aria was different.

She was beautiful. Every single inch of her was beautiful. Every ridged edge, every imperfection, it didn't matter. When your entire world is sitting right in front of you, you notice everything that's wrong, everything that's right and all of the beauty that can build up in one thing. One person. One soul.

"You're beautiful." The words spill out of my mouth. I practically choke on my breath.

     She snaps her head at me. "Was that a compliment!?" She gasps sarcastically. It was a horrible gasp, may I add.

    "Nope, I meant my shirt was beautiful. I talk to my shirt often." I laugh,

    "Well that's a shame. I really thought you were trying to be nice for once, " She pouts.

    "Sorry sugar, you were wrong." I smirk widely.

    "I think you're lying, but I'll let it slide this time," She smiles, shifting closer to me.

    "What happens when I compliment my shirt again?" I raise an eyebrow.

    "I have a boyfriend, remember Seb?" She says quietly.

    "I remember, doesn't mean I care." I fold my hands behind my head, staring at the ceiling.

    "So, you do think I'm beautiful." She sits up, her eyebrow raised. She adjusts her large t-shirt, fiddling with the ends. She lays down on her stomach, her face only inches away from mine.

    I roll around to lay in the same position as her. "You're..okay.."

    She pokes my cheek. "I'm way better than okay, you know it." She laughs to herself. I can tell she is amused by this.

    "You're a tad self obsessed." I chuckle, poking her nose.

    She immediately grips my hand, pulling it away from my face. "Don't ever poke my nose again." She says sternly, wearing a straight expression.

    "What if I do?" I raise my finger.

    "Don't." She repeats, standing from the bed. She begins to the dresser on the other side of her bed, reaching for something unknown to me.

    She bends over, rummaging through the drawers . My eyes pop out of their sockets. My gaze rakes down her back. Aria was beautiful alright, from the front and the back.

    She walks towards a mirror directly in front of me. She ties her hair up into a sloppy bun, giving me a direct view of her behind. My hand extends from my pocket. I spread my palm and stand from her bed.

    Without thinking, I let out a loud laugh and slap her butt lightly. She shrieks, jumping off of her feet. She spins in my direction. The glare on her face could kill a man.

    Yes, if looks could kill, I would be dead right about now.

   "Did you just slap my ass?" Her eyebrows form slits. Her blue eyes slant downward, looking me straight in the eye.

    I try hard not to laugh at her expression. Although it was a stupid move, I was going to do it at one point or another.

    She grits her teeth, walking slowly toward me. Her small hand makes contact with my chest, shoving me slightly toward the bed.

   She continuously taps my chest in the same spot. "Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again." She glares at me, her gaze sinking into my soul.

   She raises her hand and I quickly close my eyes, prepared for a sharp pain to hit my cheek. Instead, I hear a loud laugh come from Aria. I slowly open my eyes to see that she is practically falling over with laughter.

   "You should of seen your face!" She continues, snorting in between her laughs.

    I loosen up after a few seconds and begin laughing as well.

    "I wasn't gonna slap you, dummy!" She cackles, trying to end her laughter session. "It still wasn't cool though." She coughs out a final laugh, letting out a breath.

    "Sorry." I force a smile.

    She hits my arm lightly. "Yeah, yeah, just don't do it again. I don't care how many girls adore you or want you, I am not one of them," She states sternly,

     "But..you're okay.." She smiles.

    I open my arms and pull her into my embrace. This takes her off guard, and we both end up flopping onto the bed. I hold in my laughter, smiling as I hold her in my arms.

    "You're beautiful,"

    "I knew it!" She chuckles.

                    *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Hi everyone! I just wanted to state something quickly, in case anyone was wondering. The storyline may seem as if it is moving quickly, but it is a short story and will only be thirty chapters or so. I try my best to keep it at a good pace! Thanks and I hope you enjoyed ;)


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