Chapter 26: Syco Records

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A/N Lauren in this pic though I need a fkn oxygen mask!  she's so beautiful n those full lips omg. Her lips are so sexy!

Clara and Mike had been gone for about a week now and everything in the house was finally back to normal. The girls had a few press reviews to go to to promote their upcoming album7/27. Radio interviews,impromptu shows, surprise concerts and Lauren wanted me to tag along for the ride which I gladly acepted the offer. After my confession to her parents about how much I loved her Lauren and I had grown alot closer... not that we weren't already close but NOW we found it very hard to be away from one another for a long period of time.
She always wanted me by her side and I wanted her by mine even in public we held hands kissed and did all of the things that couples in love do.. despite the paparazzi snapping pics of us we didn't care they had grown to love us and also strangely respected us when ever we were out and asked for privacy.. I know what your  thinking papparazi+giving a celebrity privacy = dreamland but somehow they managed to do it. "Lauren hurry up! Big Rob Will be here any minute!" Normani  shouted from the kitchen I was leaning  against the counter eating my daily dosage of fresh,cold Mango chunks and minding my own business. Just then, the Blair of a car sounded outside I turned and glanced out the window where I saw Big Rob waiting patiently in the van he appeared to be deep in a heated conversation with someone until I saw a smile creep across his face. "Lauren come on babe" "comingggg" a muffled voice sounded off from the top of the stairs just then footsteps trotted down the stairs towards us "Sorry I couldn't find my phone charger" she said with a big smile her eyes made Contact with my fresh mangos and she immediatley began to pout. Lauren loved mangos and fresh fruit in general but mangos she would do unthinkable things for. With a smirk I stabbed a cube and placed it into her mouth her face lit up with excitement "Thank you babyy" she said smiling at me before stealing a kiss. We all hopped I to the van after being happily greeted by big rob. The drive to the studio took about an hour and in that time, Lauren had managed to eat All of my mangos  but that was ok because they were too sweet for my taste anyway. We pulled up to Syco Records and Simon stepped out with a big smile the girls ran up to him engulfing him in one big hug. "Hello ladies so nice to see you all again I've called you all here to hold a meeting g on what we will be doi g to promote 7/27 for the next few weeks." The girls squealed with excitement they were really stoked about this new album since Reflection has been released in early 2015 , they were ready to perform a whole new set of songs for the fans and also learn new dance moves and NOW  they were told that they would be touring with a live band they were extremley excited and I was excited for them. The girls,big rob and I followed Simon into a huge room filled with gold and platinum records hanging on the wall ,pictures of him with celebrities the such. The room was like a shrine to the music industry. "Please everyone have a seat would any of you care for a drink?" he  asked as he gestured for us to sit down the girls all sat together ,big rob sat at the end of the table and Lauren sat beside me her hand searched until it found mine and she interlocked them. A young woman about my age entered the room and sat cold drinks down in front of  each of us we all thanked her as she nodded and walked out. "Now" Simon continued " As per contract, you girls are set to go on tour in a few months and we need to really promote this album so I've arranged a few bookings for you girls and tomorrow night will be the big Iheartradio concert you will be performing your old hits as well as 2 new hits from the album" this means dance rehearsals will start as soon as you leave this room" it was such short notice but the girls were excited and more  than ready to learn their new moves and also promote their album which was to be released in two weeks. After hearing this , the girls all squealed with excitement and hugged one another I smiled at their happiness I glanced to big rob and then to Simon who were both sitting with Kool Aid smiles on their faces I could tell that the next few days would be hectic but I would be ready.

A/N Ive been distracted all day  Sorry guys I promised two chapters but I am really tired so here's one so far hope you all like it just bear with me I'll get everything set by tomorrow night

Stay(Lauren/You)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora