Chapter 19 : The Beach

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"Lauren! Hurry up all of the good spots are going to be taken!" Normani shouted from the bottom of the stairs meanwhile I was outside shoving the girls "nessesities" into the back of the escalade "Jesus if they brought anything else I'd need a damn bus" I mumbled under my breath. I walked back into the house to find four frustrated girls staring up the staircase "ugh damnit where is my bathing suit! Lauren shouted from the top of the stairs. "Baby just grab anything I'm sure you will look amazing!" I hollered "Yeah lauser hurry up you're cutting down on my tanning time" Dinah shouted "And cute guys" Camila chimed in "And cute guy watching time too so hurry up light a fire chick! " Dinah added.
Ally and Normani left us to go sit in the car and wait Lauren came huffing and puffing down the stairs,arms folded,pouting,bottom lip poking out and all the whole nine yards she was in complete five year old don't touch me mode her beautiful black hair was a bit frazzled and flipped to one side we locked eyes "So did you fi-" "dont!" Camila and Dinah cut me off quickly causing me to jump "doontt?" I drug the words "when Lauren's pissed it's best not to bother her for a while she gets kinda grouchy like the grinch that stole Christmas from the who's in whovile but that" "I Heard you Camila!" Lauren shouted from the driveway. I chuckled and shook my head "well girls I guess we'll have to make one more stop" I said wrapping my arms around the girls waists as we walked out the door.

"Would you girls just pick one already" I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes and fidgeted with my phone. I had been sitting in Pacsun for almost an hour while what was supposed to be Lauren finding a bathing suit now turned into a swimsuit fashion show with the girls trying on and then buying almost every bathing suit in the store. "Are you girls planning on saving any for the other customers" I asked not taking my eyes off of my phone I felt arms wrap around my shoulders and a raspberry being blown on my cheek "Thank you babyyy! Lauren said in her baby voice "Mhm now come on babe we have to get to the beach it's already 1:30 and I have something planned for us " I said handing her my Diamond Black Card. She turned my face towards her and gave me three quick pecks on the lips and skipped off to the counter to pay for her items God I loved that woman.

*Time forward* (at the beach)

"Jesus Dinah what did you pack the entire house?! I asked struggling to remove her bag from the trunk "Girl you've got muscles pick that thing up" she responded as she smirked at a cute guy walking past her giving her a wink. "Ugh figures" I mumbled
I handed each of the girls their bags and closed the trunk before I could grab the chairs the girls were off finding a spot in the sand to relax and get some much needed vitamin D. After Dinah and Normani found a spot, I get the umbrella up and positioned the chairs and towels around it they actually picked a good spot it was like our own private beach (pic below)

 After Dinah and Normani found a spot, I get the umbrella up and positioned the chairs and towels around it they actually picked a good spot it was like our own private beach (pic below)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I sat my portable radio in the sand and docket my iPod onto it and played some tunes "trap queen" by fettyWap began playing "Ayeeeee!" The girls shouted in unison and began singing. Meanwhile I set up a cooler filed with water,various juices and powerade. A yawn escaped my mouth followed by a stretch. I lay in my beach chair with my shades on and watched the girls sing ,twerking and laugh at one another I can't belive I am friends with THE girls of Fifth Harmony! But then again I could believe it because I'd known them before they were famous. "Hey let's go for a swim" Dinah urged the girls they all agreed. "Baby are you coming?! " Lauren asked "Nope I'm fine right here on dry land" I said relaxing in the chair with my hat pulled down onto my face. I removed my shades and saw the girls laughing and frolicking in The water I slid my shades back on and drifted off to a nice sleep. I was asleep for about 30 minutes when I felt something wet and cold dripping on my arm and a weight on my hips I quickly removed my hat n shades to see those beautiful green eyes staring down at me "you fell asleep" she giggled "ahh babe ur wet and cold" I whined I looked around an notices that the sun was starting to set but there was still enough daylight. "I wanna show you something" I said as I took Lauren's hand "Girls we will be back in a few do you mind packing up and taking the stuff to the car?!" I yelled back at the girls who were playing some odd game with music "Yeah sure!" Dinah yelled back. I led Lauren through a few palm trees to a secluded area that I had reserved for us (pic below)

"This is so beautiful baby" Lauren cooed I watched as she familiarized her self with her surroundings "it's all for us" I said smiling as she gently pulled me into a kiss I ran my fingers through Her wet hair

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"This is so beautiful baby" Lauren cooed I watched as she familiarized her self with her surroundings "it's all for us" I said smiling as she gently pulled me into a kiss I ran my fingers through Her wet hair. "Lauren Michelle Jauregui Morgado would you please do me the complete honor of watching the sunset" I asked as I held my hand out "I wouldn't want to share this moment with anyone else" she said smiling at me. We walked in the sand and sat close by the water Lauren positioned herself between my legs I covered us with a towel because it was getting a bit chilly. Watching the sunset with the girl that I was madly in love with was the best feeling that I had ever felt in quite a long time. Lauren turned to me and I loomed down at her straight into her Emerald eyes. "I love you so much" she whispered "I love you more" I whispered back we embraced each other in a passionate kiss as the sun slowly faded beyond the horizon.

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