Music & Love

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Word Count: 1,151 * not proofread yet

I woke at about 3 am because I couldn't sleep I was restless for some reason  I eased myself out of bed and quietly headed down stairs to the basement into my recording studio see along with drawing and painting I also played music and wrote songs  in fact I had written quite a few songs throughout the years I made my way inside of my studio grabbed my guitar and a lyric sheet to a song I had been writing for Lauren called "Love Like This" I quietly tuned my guitar as I began humming the first few lyrics of the song before strumming along while only about 30 seconds into my song I decided to stop singing and just let the beautiful melody of the guitar take over enveloping my ears with a beautiful sound I stopped for a second to rearrange a few lyrics and change up the melody before I heard the slight closing of the basement door

"I thought I would find you down here" Lauren's sweet raspy yet sleepy voiced called as she entered the room she wore nothing but short shorts and a wife beater t- shirt ( I don't know what these shirts are called..) her disheveled hair sat carelessly just past her shoulders as she flipped it to one side she wore absolutely no makeup yet she was still extremely beautiful her full pink lips curved into a small smile as she walked over to me taking a seat beside me

"I just couldn't sleep so I thought I'd come down here and work on a song I have been writing" I said returning the smile

"Can I see this?" she asked as my eyes followed her hand to the piece of paper that lay in my lap

"Yeah sure i-it's not finished yet I'm still working on the melody for it.." I  replied nervously as Lauren scanned her eyes over the lyrics

"it sounds really good how is the melody?" she asked giving me a quick glance

"It's not that good i'm still working out the kinks to it but I -"

"I wanna hear it,maybe I can sing it for you" She replied cutting my words short I stared at Lauren for a good minute unsure of if she knew that the song was actually about her

"Um, yeah I'll just play you a repeat melody and I guess maybe you can take it from there you can do the verses and we i'll take the bridge and Chorus?" I asked

Lauren nodded her head as I began strumming my guitar I watched as Lauren closed her eyes her body swayed side to side her way of getting in to the music 

A /N (I actually wrote this song it's not finished yet but I will put down the lyrics of what I have now please do NOT steal the song as it is already copyrighted so I will not display the song in it's entirety )

"Love Like This"


If all of the stars fell from the sky 

then you would still be the only one that I am wishing on.

It's taken me many years to get to this point

But I am so glad that we've come this far

And who would have known that you would be the one to show me 

what love was again, to feel needed again, to feel wanted again


The slightest touch from you and I feel like I am flying through space and time

The Slightest look from you and my heart beats into overdrive

Oh tell me how can a love like this even exist

it's hard for me to believe that you are even mine 

but with the slightest kiss from you tells me everything I need to know


I don't doubt your love because your love is everything that has kept me alive

I don't doubt your love because your love is something that I can not run and hide from

no matter how hard I try It's the look in your eyes, It's the smile on your face that let's me know

that your heart is mine and I can't help but thank god every day for  sending me an Angel


when I was going through hell you were there for me, 

when I didn't want you around you were there for me 

and when I was at my worst you still loved me tell me how can a love like this exist

(make up the rest of the lyrics lol can't give you guys my song ha ,ha!)

As I sang I noticed that Lauren had grown very quiet and upon opening my eyes I noticed that she was staring at me her eyes filled with tears I stopped playing quickly 

"What's the matter?" I asked in a concerned tone

"You.. you sing so beautifully I didn't know that you could sing and the song it's so beautiful" She said as she stared down at the paper

"I wrote that song for you Lauren.. I wasn't going to tell you because I wasn't sure at the time if we were anything but now that I know that we are I wanted to let you know how I feel about you" I said as I stared at the paper she held in her hands

"It's beautiful baby" she whispered

A Nervous smile crossed my face

I placed my guitar back on its stand and inserted the lyric sheet back into it's folder of other songs that I had written and sat back on the sofa with Lauren

"You know.. I don't know how all of this happend but i'm so thankful and so blessed to have you in my life I was so fucked up before you came back" I confessed

before I knew it Lauren and I were embraced in a passionate kiss which led to us making love  the moment was beautiful it was passionate and full of love and affection I loved Lauren so much words would truly never be able to express how she made me feel Lauren and I lay on the sofa wrapped comfortably in a blanket  her head nestled in the crook of my neck as she gently rubbed my arm

" I never thought that I could ever be this happy" she husked her raspy voice cooed in my ears

"Neither did I" I said as I slowly ran my fingers through her thick dark hair Lauren made herself more comfortable  as she snuggled beside me I swear in that moment I never felt this happy nor this content with my life I had me an amazing beautiful intelligent caring girlfriend, I had money a nice house cars everything but most importantly I have friends 4 amazing girls who loved the fuck out of me and I loved them more than they even imagined..Life was perfect.

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