Chapter 11: Date Night

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"Would you stand still you're moving like a flea girl" Normani said in an annoyed tone as she attempted to fix my clothes. "Yeah sorry, I'm just really nervous" I responded as I scratched the back of my neck "Nervous why? it's just Lauren" she croaked "No it's not JUST Lauren, Mani I don't want to hurt her I really want this to work out between us.. I mean what if I push her away or hurt her or what if I fuck this up?" I said nervously as I started to become antsy. Normani stepped back, squinted her eye's and stepped towards me "hmm,that shirt is ugly take it off" she urged "Here put this one on" she said throwing a black shirt at me. I caught it with ease and began removing my pale yellow shirt that I had picked out earlier. "Oh my gosh girl you look hot! and that black shirt really brings out those eyes! If Lauren doesn't want you then I might have to flip to the other side" she said giggling as she straightened out the sleeve of my shirt. "Mani come on i'm serious what if I-" "Hey that's not going to happen because I know that you won't let it happen and we won't let you mess up, Lauren is perfect for you .. more perfect than brad was for her but that's another story, She can balance you out girl ,You think me and the girls don't see how you both stare at one another more over how YOU stare at HER there's love in your eye's girl we can all see that" I glanced up at her with an "I'm not sure" look on my face. Normani walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders. "Listen it's been 2 years since you called it quits with Catherine  it's time for you to fall in love again, and to remember what love feels like and Lauren is the kind of girl  who can keep you locked down and you know no matter how many times you screw up she will be by your side just please promise me that you won't hurt her" Normani looked into my eyes "You know I can't promise that Mani.." I said looking down at the floor  "And for as much as I love Lauren, The last thing I'd ever want to do is hurt her" I said as I steadied my gaze to the floor. "Good then don't just try " Normani's words made a lot of sense... I was so used to using women and hurting them I had become so numb over the years that I didn't care but Lauren was different I didn't want to hurt her I wanted to love her, give her a chance that she deserved. I just hoped that I wouldn't screw it up.

Lauren's P.O.V.

I sat in my room staring into the mirror. My heart was racing at 100 miles a minute and my breathing was heavy. My panic was broken by Dinah,Camila,Ally, and Normani walking in to the room. I turned and smiled at them but I knew that they could see the nervousness in my eyes.

"Guy's I am really nervous for tonight do I even look okay? look at my hair it's not cooperating forget it I'm not going" I stated as I attempted to get up from my chair but I was stopped by Normani

"LoLo chill girl it's going to be okay I promise and I can guarantee you that Y/N is more nervous that you" she said giggling

"Yeah you gettin' those "First Date" jitters huh"  Dinah said nonchalantly.

"DINAH!" all of the girls shouted at her "Dinah come on that's not helping her" Ally complained and turned back to me with a half smile

"What sheesh I'm just being honest" Dinah sang as she exited the room with a tube of Buffalo Wing  flavored Pringles that she had stolen from Normani.

"I'm just really nervous you guys what if she hurts me or-"

"Hey, Lauren seriously she won't hurt you, you have to think she took a huge risk by even asking you out and even more so, she took a huge step you know wanting to try this thing out" Camila said smiling at me she kissed my forehead and stepped back

"You look beautiful mama and don't worry girl the date will be amazing , you both will have a great time and you will be fine" Ally said with her sunshine smile.

I sat quietly and thought to myself . Y/N has really been through a lot he last relationship was so shitty maybe I will change her heart .. I really like her and it's weird because we are really good friends but the way that she makes me feel, her mysterious persona , I love that about her.. I know that she is FAR from perfect she deserves this.. she deserves a chance..

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