Chapter 22: Meeting Mike & Clara Jauregui

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I awoke to my beautiful,naked girlfriend laying on top of me her head buried in the crook of my neck her arm wrapped tightly around me I moved a little to position myself into a more comfortable position "mmm where are you going?" she mumbled her voice was hoarse but very sexy "just getting comfortable baby" I said with a small giggle. Lauren began kissing my neck until she hit my pulse where she began sucking on my neck slowly " hmm someone's frisky this morning" I said smiling and trying to stifle a moan that threatened to escape my throat. "You say it like it's a bad thing" she whispered seductively in my ear as she straddled my waist she ran her hand through her dark hair and flipped it to one side exposing her neck. She bit her bottom lip as she signaled to me to come closer I did as asked and suddenly became engulfed in a passionate kiss. I felt Lauren's tongue slowly lick across my bottom lip her way of asking for entrance which I granted immediatley and soon we were entranced into an intense kissing session. I raised my hands to her sides and slowly began rubbing her back causing her to jump a little and pin me down to the bed holding my hands above my head she slowly leaned in smiling as she flipped her hair once again before kissing me once she released her grip on me, I reached down and gently squeezed her ass which she let out a throaty moan "KNOCK KNOCK LOVE BIRDS!" Dinah shouted on the other end of the door "fuck!" Lauren whispered harshly as she climbed off of me and positioned herself under the covers I groaned."Yes Dinah!" I hollered from the other end I glanced over at Lauren who's face screamed annoyance I watched as she rolled her eyes I chuckled "We're out of milk!" She retorted "look in the fridge,top shelf, behind the juice!" I yelled "okaaayyy" I listened to Dinah's heavy footsteps running down stairs and into the kitchen " Heyyy I don't see it can you come down and show me!" Dinah muffled voice shouted from the kitchen " Oh my gosh is she kidding me right now?!" Lauren whispered harshly "DAMNIT DINAH LOOK FOR IT YOURSELF!" Lauren chimed in "Ha ha just kidding I have it!" Dinah joked Lauren threw herself back onto her pillows and let out an annoyed sigh. "Well that killed the mood" she exclaimed rolling her eyes "Im going to have a shower, Join me?" She asked she had that look in her eyes where I knew I'd be stupid to say no I got out of the bed and followed her into the bathroom.

*time forward*

Lauren and I walked down the stairs hand n hand and into the kitchen where Dinah was just finishing off a bowl of cereal she smirked at us when she saw us enter and gave me a wink as she got up to place her bowl into the dishwasher. "Good Morning love birds" morning Dinah I said smiling Lauren refused to speak. Just then her phone rang. She released her hand from mine, unlocked her phone and answered I walked over to the fridge to find something to snack on. "Hola mama Como estas?, good good, y papa? Si si,en serio! Oh si yes yes please!" Babe my parents want to come and visit for a few days!" She told me with a huge smile on her face "Oh sure babe they are welcome to the guest house and I'll be happy to pay for their tickets" I replied as I munched on fresh pineapple chunks. "Hola daddy, I miss you guys! Yes yes it's all settled so when do you want to fly in?" I stood behind Lauren eating my chunks she took my fork from my hand stabbing one of the chunks in the container and popped it into her mouth I giggled a little "Ok I love you too byeeee" Lauren ended the phone call and turned to me with a huge smile on her face "Oh my gosh I'm so excited to see them I haven't seen them in months" she explained jumping into my arms making me spill the last few pieces of pineapple onto the kitchen floor. She engulfed me in a sweet kiss before pulling away. "Babe my pineapple" I whined "I'll be your pineapple she said kissing me again "Book a room horn dogs!" Dinah shouted from the livingroom.

*time forward*

"Lauren hurry up the plane lands in an hour and we still have a 30 minute drive there!" Dinah shouted Ally and Normani decided to stay behind to prepare the guest house for Lauren's parents arrival I recall them arguing over where the new blinds should be hung in the livingroom it was pretty funny to witness well Ally with her short stature she couldn't reach the height required to drill the nails into the wall and Normani thought that curtains were more elegant either way, I left them to their own vices. "Lo come on we're going to be extra late like that one time we were ready to go on stage and you decided you had to-" "Shut up camz!" Lauren shouted in frustration which made me laugh. I knew that she was very nervous to see her parents but not only that we were together now and her parents had no idea. Eventhough Lauren had come out to them after her and Brad split they were ok with her being a lesbian though they did warn her about her "life choice" and how it could possibly have consequences later but she didn't care she was happy that she could finally be who she was born to be. (Did that even make sense?)

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