Date - Leo

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The next day, I take her under the bridge. I got some snacks, put them in a cooler. Chips, drinks, fruit, yogurt, and she packed what she wanted and I out it in the cooler. On the way there, she kept looking out the window. "Where are we going?" She asked.

"A place I saw on my way here, into Indiana. I'm not sure if we can actually go there, from what I pictured it would be, but if not, I have a backup." I shrugged, and she glared at me.

When we finally get there, it's about a mile walk. She kept asking where we were going, and I told her the same thing every time. When we finally get under the bridge, there is a river next to it, and it has rushing water that leaves a pleasing sound. A large tree branch fell into the water, and that wasn't here when I saw this place last time.

I'm lucky, because I was right. Under the bridge is a steep concrete hill that leads to a sitting space. Okay, your not really supposed to sit there nor was it made for that, but it's a good place to sit. I can see that it already has wall art, or got griefed. "We have to go up there? Or are we going to sit right here. There was some picnic tables back there, and we could eat."

"Up here is probably a nice view." That branch makes the rushing water noise, and it's so relaxing, something we both need. I start to climb up. "Shit, be careful." It's steep, and hard to climb. I offer my hand, the other on the cooler strap over my chest. She looks up at me, at my hand again, and finally takes it. Alex tells me thank you, and inside her head; really, thank you. She's light, not really pulling, just holding my hand. I start to pull her forward, more up.

Sooner or later, we get to the top. It makes less than a minute, but longer than it should've taken. The rushing water echos inside of the walls. Small sections of the same area are planned out and made. When I get to the top, I can't stand up straight, so I sit on the cement right away. Alex's head touches the iron above her head, the cars rushing past without knowing of our company.

She brings her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them and looking at the fallen branch. "It's pretty," She faintly smiles, I spread my arms out behind me, leaning against them. The cooler is next to me on the ground, and the space between me and Alex is slim. This is supposed to be a date, but I don't really know what to say. The rushing water is nice, it fills the silence. I feel awkward, and I'm sure she does too.

"Hey, Leo?"

"Hmm?" I face her, but she turns the other way. The small walls around us have words written on them, some gang signs, some carved hearts putting two letters together. Something in me says A + C aren't together anymore.

"Keep my mind off of stuff," She squeezes her legs, wrapping her arms around them tighter. I know what she means by 'stuff'. I open my mouth to say something, but I don't really know what to say. "I want your thoughts on something."

I gulp. "Yeah?"

"Would you be angry if I was sad?"

That's . . . a very weird question. I don't tell her that, obviously. "Everyone feels emotions, I can't be angry with you for being human."

"Like, really sad?" I think I know where she's going with this, and I glance at her arms, but don't see anything. What's covered with her legs I can't see. "Never mind,"

I take her arm, pulling it towards me, she pulls it to keep it to her knees. "What?"

"Let me see your arm."

"There's nothing there,"

"Then why won't you let me see it?" She gives up, and lets her arm rest. Right there, I see red lines on her wrists, going in a line, some crossing over others. They are deep, and look new. I rub my thumb over them, licking my lips.

Pain ( Darkmore series #2)Where stories live. Discover now