Chapter One: Serious talk with mom never turns out good.

Start from the beginning

''Is this the cute little Ashley Jones, who used to wet her bed and used to eat the whole chocolate cake?'' Raising my eyebrows at my stupid childhood memory which I dislike to an extent all I could think of was
Not a good start woman, whoever you are not a good start.

''That's me'' I grinned and shrugged my shoulders.

''Oh my, you've grown so pretty.'' She cooed and wrapped her huge arms around me. Guess who took my childhood habit of eating the whole chocolate cake?

Yeah, you are right, that's her.

''Hannah is that you? Oh my what a surprise'' My mom asked surprised. 

''JJ how you been?'' The woman named Hannah asked.

''I've been good. You tell how's Will?'' My mom asked

'' Oh well, he's the same you know'' She said wiggling her eyebrows.

And that, kids, is not a good sign.

I kept on moving my head back and fro between their conversations (Isn't it quite interesting? Knowing about your mom's friend which I guessed by the way productive nights) but came to halt when my mom introduced the unknown woman who specially referred to those memories of my childhood which make me cringe.

''Oh Ashley she's Hannah my high school best friend.'' My mom said grinning ear to ear. Oh, mom you finally acknowledged me thank you so much. I opened my mouth to answer

''Hannah how's your business going?''

And shut it without uttering a word. After hearing the word business I tuned them out and walked towards the food court.

''Mom I'll be back.''

''Yeah, sure. So I was saying....''

Greeeeat Mom...


''How much will it be?'' I asked the cashier.

''10.2$ ma'am.''

After handing him the cash I tried looking for an empty seat. Nobody wants to eat their yummy burger with crispy fries while standing at least not me.

''Ashley is that you?''

At the sound of my name I turned around to see the person and came eye to eye to that green eyed boy I fell in love with.

''No.'' I hissed and turned around this time not to find an empty seat, but to find an escape from the innocent looking green eyed devil monster. I fell for his looks and now I regret it badly.

''I know it's you. Long time, huh?''

Stupid statement ignored.

''Ashley? What's wrong?''

Stupid boys will never understand. Keep looking Ashley he will shoo away.

''Ashley can we talk? I miss you.'' I snickered, knowing what will be coming next.

''I'm sorry I love you.'' We both said in unison.

''What?'' He asked wide eyed. Poor boy, he took me seriously.

''What do you want Dylan?'' I sighed.

''I want you back.'' He said

''Dude are you for real?'' I asked, hiding my grin, knowing if I laugh I will grab every single persons' attention.

''Ash look I really miss what we had. It was special yeah?''

''Want to hear a poem?''

''Er, yeah?''

''Eenie meanie miny Moe, caught you cheating with a hoe. You lied right to my face, think again, you've been replaced.'' I said grinning like a Cheshire cat.

A round of applause for the lady, please.


''So how was your lunch?''

Lunch was a disaster. That prick ruined my burger and my so precious fries cause unfortunately or fortunately after hearing my poem the ego string inside him got plucked. I swear boys have egos bigger than their brains.

''It went okay mom.'' I forced a smile.

''Well, well, we need to talk.'' She said and I frowned. When she says that it means she is serious. And frankly speaking a serious talk with mom never turns out good.

''Yes, mom what is it?'' I asked, biting my bottom lip something I do when I get the feeling of something bad.

''You met Hannah today, right? Well, her husband's business went down in the drain so to help my best friend I invited them today to the after party of our business conference.'' Ever heard of ''After party of a business conference?'' No? Me too.''so that they could meet our other business partners.''

''Hannah the hunter.'' I mumbled. 

''Heard that.''

''You were supposed to.''


''Okay, okay. So you are telling me that you want to do a partnership with aunt Hannah?'' I asked raising my eyebrows. My parents were the most successful business runners and doing the partnership with a person who is not that much successful just sounds weird. And it sounds even weirder coming from a girl who hates business from the core of her heart.

''Yes. It would be great. We will help them establish.'' She grinned. I don't think so.

''You should ask dad'' I suggested. I don't know why, but I'm getting a really bad feeling about this.

''Oh, I already did. He agreed.'' She said, clasping her hands together. Something bad is definitely gonna happen.

''You are going to attend the after party.''

Oh, never mind it already did.


The first chapter is short but next chapters will be long enough for you all that's my promise. 

Any type of feedback will be highly appreciated. I really need to know what you guys think of the first chapter. 

I haven't set up a goal. I'm not really aiming for 1k+ reads on the first chapter obviously, but after getting 50+ reads and votes I will publish the second chapter.  


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