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A/N: I was like......ugh.....I'm too lazy to update... But then I remembered....I wanna write about what happens to Artemis!!!! And here it is! Oh, and PonyGenius13 it's not over yet!!!

Luna's POV:

I ran....ran as fast as I could....knowing I had a broken tail and shoulder, and fractured my spine. And that I didn't have much time to get help, for I needed to save Artemis.

The past:

Luna leaned over Artemis, tears falling from her eyes. "Artemis! Don't worry I'll go get help!" She ran off. Artemis was still alive.... But not for long. She ran and ran and ran. And ran.

Artemis's POV:

I woke up to find myself in a room with bright lights shining down on my face. "H-huh....where am I- " I stopped as I felt a slash of pain go through my back. I fell back on the bed and moaned. All I want right now is Luna... "Then I looked to my right and saw Luna laying in the bed next to me. "LUNA!!!"

Suddenly I remembered everything. The death, the funeral, Monoru, the fall.... "She's alright, don't worry." I saw Mina and the rest come in through the door. "What's wrong with her?!" I asked flustered. "She broke her shoulder and tail and still came to get help for you!" Ami said. "She must really care about you!" Rei said with a wink. "Huh?" I looked at Luna .once more. She was alive, and so was I. I sighed in relief. Suddenly I felt very tired. And fell asleep seeing Luna.

Luna's Dream:

I was falling. It felt like I was falling from a 200 story building. Then...something caught me, something white and fluffy. "Artemis!!" I hugged his neck and he set me down and motioned for me to follow him. We walked down a blue tinted street no one seemed to be here....or anywhere... I looked at Artemis his blue eyes shining. I have never felt this way before...like I wanted to talk with Artemis, sit with him on sunny afternoons, be with him forever....when I was about to tell Artemis how I feel, he disappeared...."Artemis?!" I looked around startled. Then everything else started disappearing. Everything was gone....

Luna's POV:

  I woke up in a bed....all the girls looking over me. "Luna your awake!" Ami said happily. "W-where's Artemis!?" I asked looking around. Then I saw him. On the bed to my left. He was sleeping peacefully. "Is......is he ok?" I asked a worried expression on my face. "Yes he's fine, thanks to you!" Mina said."huh?" Then I remembered the fall, and his back. "He's alive?!" I sighed happily. "Yes, yes. He will be fine soon!" Ami said putting a wet cloth on my forehead. Then I felt the pain sere through my head. "Uuugh....." I then flopped down on my pillow. My whole body aching.

  But everything is ok, i thought, because we are alive, both of us. We can be together now. And that makes me so happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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