" shouldn't he be with that Marisol girl" I muttered pulling my blazer on my body , feeling the chilly breeze coming from the windows.

" it's Emily but -"

" that's not a spanish name, I thought-"

" Aurora, listen for a few seconds" Jett said, grabbing my shoulders. I ended my little rant starring up at him with a frown.

" go , he's waiting by your locker"

' but I really don't want to" I whined stomping my feet against the tiled floor. He chuckled shaking his head and giving me a small push towards the other hallway. I rolled my eyes sticking my middle finger at him and leaving.

" love you too sweetcheeks"

I walked down the hallway ignoring the pain in my soles, not wanting to be in these shoes. Still going barefoot would be really disgusting, there were some nasty things that goes on in these hallways. I rounded the corner passing some kids exiting the assembly. At the end I saw Noah leaning against my locker. He looked up as the heels made little sounds against the tile.

" I don't have time so get on with it" I muttered folding my hands against my chest. Moving them down from the spikes on the top.

" we have to finish that love story thing for English" He said bringing out a black folder from behind him. I grabbed it from him with a short nod, turning around.

" wait-" He shouted as I spun back around with an annoyed look. He looked down at the ground before back up at me

" tell your grandma I say happy birthday" He smiled before walking away from me as another figure reappeared at the end. That new girl wrapping her arms around him.

I smiled slightly , shocked that he even remembered my grandma's birthday. She would love to know that he wished her a good day. My grandmother absolutely loved Noah , always sending him little things like cookies and brownies. Something she didn't do for me.


Bonfires were always my favorite part of any celebration. It was our tradition to celebrate by having a bonfire not house party. Since that requires more begging and pleading with our parents. Even in the cold winter nights a bonfire always got us warm.

" If I was Jay-Z you'd be my Beyoncé" I sang as Kasey giggled jumping off the log.

" and If I was da vinci you'd be my mona lisa" Kasey shouted as we both danced around the fire. Being the only ones there for now.

We made the song louder as it blasted through the open field, vibrating off the trees around us. I laughed watching her practically fall into the fire from the log. She twirled around, grabbing my hand. Both of us spinning and giggling uncontrollably.

" the party is here" Reece shouted coming over to us with Jarrett behind him. Kasey and I stopped dancing watching both boys stare at us. We quickly broke apart, standing there awkwardly.

Until the chorus came back on, both of us looking over at each other. Kasey giggled running over to Jarrett, jumping into his arms. I grabbed Reece's hand pulling him over, as he spun me around.

" if I was James Dean, you'd be my Audrey breakfast at Tiffany's for two" I screamed doing a cartwheel down the field.

Reece chuckled grabbing my hand to steady me from the non stop motion. My head was spinning but that was nothing. Tonight was supposed to be a fun night full of laughter and lots of food.

" did you drink anything" Reece asked as we made our way back to the center of the bonfire.

" just some of that red punch thingy you know that one that uhh-" I began pointing to the pitcher of punch in the center of the table.

" Rora! that was spiked punch for later" Reece laughed sitting me down on one of the chair. I widened my eyes starring at Kasey who was still dancing.

No wonder why we both felt so energetic after that cup of punch. We were buzzed definitely not drunk not even tipsy but just enough vodka to last us through the night. I watched as Reece grabbed the pitcher making sure it was closed and placed it under the table beside some of the packs of marshmallows.

" what if you fell in the lake again?" Jarrett asked as he dragged Kasey over to us. Kasey and I looked at one another before bursting out into laughter.

Last time we both set up a bonfire we each took four shots and while rolling the logs we fell in the lake. Thinking it was an ocean and that we were drowning. The guys thought it was hilarious but the water was freezing. So they took us out after a few minutes.

" well we didn't besides there was no sign on it, so we thought it was some regular juice thing" Kasey told the guys. They both shook their heads, making sure the pitcher was hid.

In the next twenty minutes people began to arrive carrying food, drinks and some alcohol. The girls on the team were excited to be apart of this bonfire. It was sort of a major thing in the school, everyone talking about our bonfires. You needed to be invited personally since we didn't want hundreds of kids here. Usually it was either the teams together or regular friends.

" this is amazing, looks even better than the last one" McKenzie exclaimed walking over to us. Dressed in a big sweater some leggings and boots. Since it usually got colder towards the end.

" yeah I know, Kasey and I worked hard on this" I told her as we went towards the group of people.

Brittany came with her brother and sister. Since her brother was apart of the soccer team he was allowed to come and the guys invited him. Her sister though wasn't invited but I wasn't going to say anything. Tiffany was older than Brittany by two years, meaning our age.

" aye chicas!" Lisa exclaimed walking into the party with Jett following close behind. I smiled wrapping my arms around her. Jett joined in leaning down to be our height.

Everyone took a seat around the bonfire wherever they could find one. Eric sat beside Brittany which pissed me off but he was a big boy and could figure out his mistakes. Meanwhile McKenzie sat beside her friend. I knew she was upset but didn't show it.

" okay so I want to make a toast to the dance team you were amazing today and also a toast to Reece who's just amazing" I laughed as Reece stood up bowing. I pushed him lightly to the side as everyone smiled holding their cups up.

So far everything was going great.

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