Chapter 36

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Double Update :)) + fetus cake bc why not

Chapter 36

Calum ♥

It would've been so easy for me to accept Luke's deal and move on – I wouldn't be sitting on a random park bench with a bottle of vodka by my side if I had.

Something was holding me back. It was either Felicity, or Carl. I'd never cheated on Luke – never ever. It was the worst possible thing for someone to do, in my opinion and although Luke and I were technically 'not together' when I gave Carl a blowjob, it still ripped my heart open to think I'd done something so atrocious.

Hell, I couldn't even face him at school earlier because of it. It was easier to pretend I was angry at him that to confess what I'd done, however shitty it made me as a person.

I took a huge swig of the colourless liquor and let it burn down my throat towards my stomach where it became a warm pit of growling fire, forcing me to squeeze my eyes shut. I was craving that high feeling – I'd smoked the weed Carl had given me last night, but still had a little bit left, so without further ado I headed home, dumping the empty bottle in a random bin outside the park.

Regardless of the fact that I was definitely drunk, I foolishly made a detour through school, bumping into Luke the minute I walked in the glass doors.

"Calum? Calum where have you been?" he asked in a panicked tone, rushing over just as I tumbled onto the ground. "Are you drunk? Calum, say something!!"

My eyes could hardly stay open, however through the blurriness I could see a small crowd gathering around me. A teacher was hovering above me somewhere, too, but she was moving erratically in my vision so I couldn't tell who it was.


"Yeah? Talk to me," he said frantically, putting a hand under my head so it didn't get dirty from the floor. I smirked.

"You don't deserve a bastard like me."

He was shocked – so was everyone else. With much difficulty, I stood, and brushed off the teacher when she tried to talk to me.

"I'm going home, I'm sick," I groaned, stumbling back outside and feeling the cold air sober me up a little bit. Just as I'd reached the gates, someone grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

"Calum, what do you mean? Please, I don't know what's happening right now but you're obviously drunk and I want to make sure you get home safely."

"Don't... touch... me!" I hollered, shoving him off and watching him fall to the concrete. A part of me broke down and desperately wanted me to bend down and help him up, kiss his cheek, apologise – however, the alcohol had gotten the better of me and there was no chance I'd regain control any time soon. "You fucking cheater... you..."

Now, the anger had turned into sorrow, just like that. Now, my eyesight instead of being blurred by the alcohol, was being blurred by tears. I sat down opposite him and let them fall, sobbing hard with shaky breaths.

"W-why are you crying?" he asked softly, crawling over and embracing me in one of his Luke hugs – in other words, the best hugs. "Hey, don't cry. And what do you mean, I don't deserve you? You're my everything, Calum, and I'd really like us to get back together. The longer I spend away from you, the more it hurts and I think you feel the same about that." He gave me a knowing look. He understood that the only reason I'd had alcohol was because of this whole situation.

I shook my head. "I can't..."


Anger consumed me again. "Just fuck off. And don't come near me."


Calum's feeling the guilt eh...

There's so much shit going on in the world right now and I feel really sad about it :/ Too many beautiful souls were taken. All I can say is that I hope they go to a better place than this place we call earth - it can be such a wonderful place but sometimes it just doesn't treat you right.

Today's question.... favourite flower? Mine is gorse, it's so random XD it's this yellow flower that has thorns and I just find it really awesome. Not your typical answer eh?

When this gets to Chaper 40, I'll update a new fic!

Hope this double update was decent :) Thanks for making it part of your day! ^-^

Vote+comment for dedication/virtual 5sos nose ring

Kimmy xx

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