chapter 11

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Emily's pov:

Yesterday was so such long. I met a really nice boy, Cameron, everyone had fun at the party, it was fun...until Kian kissed me. Kian kissed me.

I replayed the memories from last night into my head. Ughhh I guess it's to early for this anyways. I don't like my hair that much any more, so let's dye it!
I go to Conner's room, he's still sleeping. He looks so peaceful.
I decided to do it later so he could sleep in. I wore my Calvin Klein outfit (above) and put my hair into a messy bun.
I just sat on the couch and had a lazy Sunday.

~3 hours later~

"Emily. Wake up" a voice said. I got up rubbing my eyes. "What time is it" I say looking up to see Sam.
"1:00 p.m. your friends here" he said. "Kenna!" I yell running into her arms. I notice that she was a little taller.
"When did you ge-" I stop. I look up to see someone else. It's not Kenna. "Hi" Ashley said waving her hand. "What do you want?" I say stepping back with my arms crossed.
"Can we talk? Alone" she asked looking down. She was serious. For once she was talking nonsense.

"Fine lets go 'talk'" I say heading upstairs, Ashley following me. I entered my room locking it once she was in too. "Why'd you lock it?" She asked looking nervous. "You wanted to talk alone right? Well the guys always enter without knocking" I say pointing at the door. She nods and sits on my bed.
"I saw you at Starbucks the other day.... With Conner Franta" she started "I felt bad for saying nobody would want you" please don't say the two words I hate. "I'm sorry. Okay I am a slut, everyone hates me and the only friends I have is Jane and Nina. Please I don't want you to hate me" she starts to cry. "Well I guess I can try and forgive you for bullying me for almost 6 years" I say looking down at her with a look. "I said sorry. Please I was just jealous" she said crying harder than she did 1 minute ago. Wait, Ashley Lee Tyler is jealous.... Of me! I walked over to her looking down at her. She looked at me in the eyes, then looked away. "Just do it. Slap me. I'm just a piece of garbage" she said pointing at her cheek. I just looked at her. I pulled her up, hugging her tightly. She needed this. I heard snuffling. She was crying again. "Don't worry. I'm here to help now" I say stroking her hair. She left a few minutes later. She said that if I wanted I could hang out with her at school. But she had.....rules. I had to wear cute clothes, no sweat pants at school. That didn't bother me cause I only wear them at home. I had to do cute hairdos. She told me what to say and what not to say. I was gonna have such a hard time the rest of the year's just to help her.


Hope you guys liked this chapter. Just wanted to say that the outfits and pics are all from Twitter. Not really from me, well except for Makenna's pic. Well love you guys. And I hope that your enjoying the story ttyl <3 :3

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