I could feel Gideon's excitement from where I was at. Before I could do anything Gideon rush over to the hole. "Whoa! Pacifica! Check this out!" Gideon gasps. He then pulled out this dusty book. I came over to Gideon's side as he wipes off the dust off the book. There was a golden six finger book with the number 3 in the middle of it.

"Holy rainbow! Gideon! Do you know what this is?" I questioned. Gideon shrugs, "I don't know but it looks very interesting..." Then Gideon opens the book and starts to flip through the pages. There were pages about these creatures and other weird and out of this world things. 

"What is this?" I questioned.

"A monster book?" Gideon shrugged.

Then I pointed out something, "Look a journal entry."

Gideon read it out loud, "Making deals have been going well...but this one deal that I made had made things worse. I had to hide my books before he finds it. In this town of Gravity Falls there is nobody you can trust...he could be anywhere or anyone."

"That sounds pretty creepy..." I replied.

"Creepily cool!" Gideon gasps out excitedly, "Look! There are creatures here! That could explain all the weird things about this town!"

"Weird things about this town?" I questioned.

"You may not know because you only been here for a few days....but this town is crazy and weird. This could explain everything that has been going on with this town!" Gideon explained, "This town isn't normal and this can prove it!"

"Like what crazy things are there?" I asked.

"At night I could hear these weird sounds, almost like animals but they are not sounds of normal animals in a normal forest. I've tried to get pictures or a video of them but I got nothing...and got in trouble by my dad. Then the mail man is a werewolf! I just know it! Nobody is that hairy and have that sharp of teeth! Then when I was walking home alone from school...something or someone follows me. It's creepy and this could help!"

"Are you sure about this?" I questioned.

"Please don't think I'm crazy." Gideon pleaded.

"I don't think that you are crazy, Gideon. Just...I'm not too completely sure about the creatures."

Gideon sigh, "Just you wait."

"Wait? Wait for what? The craziness of Gravity Falls? That there are creatures like in this book that lives here?"

"Just wait, Pacifica. Trust me....just wait. Gravity Falls will show to you its true self in a matter of time."

Dipper POV

I enter the study after doing my job, wiping the blood from the knife with the cloth that was in my hand. Mabel, my twin sister, laugh at me as she watched me enter, mocking me as she sat on the desk's chair, her feet up on the desk.

I glared at her, "What's so funny sister?"

She laughs, "Oh nothing brother...just that you are...very sloppy."


I then looked down, "Bloody bones! I just got a new shirt too!" There was blood over my nice shirt.

Mabel busts out laughing even more, snorting a few times. I tighten the grip around the knife. I then threw the knife and it hit the wall right next to Mabel's head. "You miss." She mocked me.

"I was meaning to miss. If I killed you Stan would kill me in a worse way than a knife to the head. Then he would bring me back to life and do it all over again." I growled.

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