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Check out the video on top, it has nothing to do with the story but that dance is incredible! 

As I slowly begin to gain consciousness I can feel something thin and slender, like a finger, caress my back. I sigh I content but I don't open my eyes because the feeling of the finger slowly going up and down my back feels almost heavenly.

I can feel the finger moving slowly all the way from my strong shoulders and down the curve of my back, toughing every freckle and every imperfection, until it at last makes its way down and stops right before my bottom. Then it just as slowly goes up again and repeats the same action.

"Wake up." I feel the hot breath on my ear as a rough morning voice whispers in my ear. I feel a pair of lips on my bare shoulder as they place a light kiss there. That makes me open my eyes.

My cloudy brown eyes meet a pair of fresh blue ones as Landon's eyes meet mine in the early sunlight streaming through the window. The light comes from an open window behind him which almost makes him look like an angel, with a halo on top of his head and a bright light lighting him up.

He looks down at me and smiles and I'm just about to say good morning to him when he reach down and closes the distance between us. Every thought disappears from my mind right that second. I don't question why Landon is lying beside me without a shirt on, I don't think about that I, underneath this thin blanket, is as naked as the day I was born, hell I don't even care about why my enemy is kissing me. I just lose my eyes and relish the feel of his soft lips on mine.

But the kiss doesn't stay soft very long. His lips press harder against mine, and I feel his hands grip my hips tightly, without a doubt leaving marks, but I don't care. I sneak my hands around his back and fist his brown hair tightly as we roll around, him on top of me.

We both groan almost simultaneously and that only seem to fuel the fire in our veins. We grip each other tighter and kiss like we were in desperate need of air, and the only way we could get it was by giving it to each other. I feel one of his hands sneak up my body from my hips and knead my breast from outside the blanket. I moan and drag my hands down his sculpted chest feeling every muscle, every indent...


"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

In the back of my mind I hear the voice coming closer and closer followed by what sounds like footsteps. I groan and open my eyes slowly, but I close them again just as quickly as I'm blinded by the light. Beside I hear a voice – a deep voice – groan, and I feel something tighten around my waist.

I'm totally disorientated. Had that been a dream? And more importantly, had I really just dreamt that? So many questions fill my mind and I'm having a hard time concentrating on just about anything. I'm not even awake yet and I already feel drained.

I slowly open my eyes again to discover that the bright light came from some huge open windows. Wait a second, those aren't my windows. I look down to see a heavy arm thrown over my waist on top of a white blanket and I turn my head to see who is behind me, but what I see makes me jerk away.

"Eeep," I screech as I tumble down from the couch and onto the floor and land with a thud which makes Landon jerk awake.

"La-la wake up!" I hear the voice again and only a few seconds after a little girl come running into the living room and jumps onto Landon, who's still blinking groggily. I too am trying to comprehend what is going on.

"Who're you?" The little girl asks. Her hair goes down to her shoulders and is light brown, she is wearing a hot pink nightgown and she has the same piercing blue eyes as Landon has, she is a spitting image of him to be honest. They have the same eyes, the same nose – basically all the same facial features – she could be a younger, female version of him, which she probably is. She must be his younger sister, Ava if I remember correctly.

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