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Important note at the end. Enjoy!

By the way Sam Claffin is here to make you feel better haha ;)

"I can't believe we've made it!" Skylar screeches as she comes running towards me, her arms wrapping tightly around me in a hug. I wrap my arms around her too and we stand together in the middle of the soccer field, hugging.

"It's so weird that the day that we have been looking forward to for four years is now here," I agree, and even though it is kind of sad that my life will now change dramatically I can't seem to wipe the smile off my face.

The past few months had been more than weird, and to be honest I really needed the change and some fresh air. Emily, Skylar and I were closer than ever, and of course I would be sad to leave them behind, but in the midst of getting to know myself I had realized that I needed to get out of this town to fully explore myself. As much as I loved my family and friends I felt stuck here, and luckily I was now getting the chance to find adventure somewhere else.

Vivian and Anya still weren't speaking to me, and Anya had now taken over my position of Queen Bee. It didn't really take me aback – though it should have – and it made me wonder if she had really been my friend all along, or if she was just after the popularity. None the less I was glad to be freed from the position I had once fought so hard for.

I had always seen myself as a pretty confident person, but over the last months I had realized that if I had really been confident in myself and where I came from, then I wouldn't have lied about it to the whole school, to my friends, or to myself. The first weeks had been scary since all that I had known for almost four years had been turned upside down. But now I just felt... free, I guess you could say.

Mr. Joe, the coffee shop that I had worked at, had closed just a month after Christmas. Of course it had made me sad to lose my job and so on, but on the other hand I had had plenty of time to focus on exams, and that could really be seen on the results. On the other hand I had also had plenty of time to think about Landon, to think about what had happened.

I still didn't regret my decision to end our agreement. It had been the right thing to do, but I still missed him anyways. We had grown to be good friends after all, despite all of the other feelings that had been involved. We hadn't really seen each other much, we would sometime speak if we happened to run into each other in the hallway, but I didn't want to give him the wrong impression. Relationships were not on my radar at the moment.

"I think someone wants to speak with you," Skylar says as we pull apart, nodding her head at someone behind me. I whirl around to see who it is and is momentarily stunned before I see who it is. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Oh, hey Landon, how are you?"

"I'm good." He stuffs his hands in his front pockets. He isn't wearing his cape yet and I can clearly see his crisp black and white suite. It's not something I'm used to see him wearing, but I must admit that he looks good. Really good. "So the day is finally here."

"Yeah, it is. It feels like the first day of freshman year was just last week, and here we are about to begin our new lives." It all really did have a nostalgic feel to it.

"Speaking of new lives, I heard about the tour. Congratulations, it must be a huge opportunity for you." Landon's smile was sincere, and I had no reason to believe anything else.

Before Christmas I had sent in an audition tape to an agency that was looking for background dancers for a Broadway musical. It had been a long shot, but after countless of phone calls and a few trips back and forth to speak with people in LA and New York I had finally landed the spot. My parents were super supportive of me following my dream, and while my plan was still to go to college, I just had a few more years to save up for it.

"Thank you, rehearsals begin next week so it's really exciting." I just couldn't stop smiling.

"So you're really going to New York?" Landon's smile fell a little, but I acted as if I hadn't seen it.

"Yeah," I nodded. "What about you, are you going to Harvard like your dad wanted?"

Landon's face fell and he cleared his throat. "Yeah I... I just didn't want to argue with him anymore so..." he trailed off. Despite my best efforts I couldn't keep my hand from going to his arm, and rubbing it up and down soothingly. He may have not known what exactly he wanted, but it definitely hadn't been to go to follow in his father's footsteps.

Landon's eyes followed my hand closely, and a small – yet sad – smile tucked at the corners of his lips. Feeling like I had sent the wrong signal I quickly retreated my hand.

"I should probably go, I think my parents are waiting for me," I said, wanting to escape the now slightly awkward mood that had settled upon us.

"Yeah, of course, my mom and sister are probably waiting for me too." Landon didn't mention his dad which led me to believe that he wasn't here. As sad as the news should have been I was actually relieved, both for him and myself. I wouldn't want to suddenly run into the guy, and with his father gone I knew that Landon could really relax and enjoy the day. He deserved that much – at least.

"Give them my best, okay?" He nodded, and I was just about to leave, but I couldn't stop myself from turning back around and wrap my arms around him. His arms snuck around me almost immediately, and I rested my head on his chest while he buried his in the crook of my neck.

The feeling brought back heat to my body, heat that I didn't know I had lost. It felt familiar, nursing... it felt like home in a sense. It should have alarmed me, but I didn't. I did acknowledge my feelings for Landon, and they had in no way disappeared just because I had chosen not to act on them. But I knew that everyone eventually finds their way home, and so would I when the time was right. I wasn't worried about myself – right now Landon was the one who worried me.

"Remember to listen to your heart, okay?" I whispered into his ear, and I felt him slightly shudder before he nodded. "Don't let anyone get in the way of your happiness."

"My heart has caused me trouble before." I couldn't keep myself from snorting. Mine had too, but so had my head.

"Maybe it wasn't all bad," I said before I pulled away with a small smile, and left him behind.

Today really was a day for new beginnings, and I held my head high as I later walked up to the podium to receive my diploma, whilst being showered with cheers from family and friends. The year have might not ended as it had begun – and it definitely hadn't ended the way it had wanted it to at the time – but the difference was huge. Before I had held my head high as a way to come off as self-secure and to maintain my image, but now I was looking towards the sky, towards the future. I knew that it wouldn't be easy, but it would be an adventure that I couldn't wait to explore.

I don't know what thefuture holds, but I definitely want to find out. 

I can't believe the end is here... well the end for now because i'm definitely not ready to let them go yet. Their story is not over.

As said before there will definitely be a sequel to this story. It won't be posted right away, it will definitely be a couple of months, but i will make sure to keep you posted.

And don't lose this story just yet because i will be posting (dirty *wink wink*)bonus chapters here, because we all definietly need some more of that. Comment suggestions if you have some, i particularly remember one who suggested phone sex ;)

I also want to thank all of you who have been so supportive throughout the whole story, i love you to bits and i can't wait to continue this journey with you, so until next time take care and read on!

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