Chapter 25: I'm ok now

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2 weeks later...

It was all over the news.

Every TV, every radio everybody knew.

"At 12 late last night criminal brothers Caleb and Fredrick Douglas the mass murders, know for the murder of  Ben Carriston and torture of Yasmin Hunter, broke free from their prison cell. By using minimal equipment they blew up half their cell killing multiple cell mates and two of the guards on duty. Police are on their trail and and all public transport in the area in on temporary halt so the brothers can be caught with ease. Further news will be given when more information is gathered. Police have advised families to stay home and lock all doors and windows till further notice."

My family and Bens' were the first to know. We went straight into a witness protection program.

Well they did.

I got sent to this nut house. My panic attacks had gotten worse since the sentence, I had been sure that it wasn't over. I was right... So instead of going with them I got sent to a mental hospital for 'my own safety' bullshit.

Anyway that's where I am now. A sitting duck. At any moment they could come for me. I'm not safe. Hell, I've never been safe. They planned this from the start the bastards. It's only a matter of time.


I headed towards the art room, wanting some time alone, let my emotions take over. I told my nurse I wanted this, she nodded and fetched extra maids just in case I flipped out.

It was quite today, none of the usuals were in, good really, left me to my thoughts. I got my paint out and poised my brush. What to paint? I thought of the place I missed most when stuck here... No not the woods...

What else?

The beach... I had good memories from there, so I let my hand start coating the blank surface. It wasn't long before it started to take shape. The cliffs, the waves a few seagulls. My nurse came up behind me. "That's beautiful, but it's missing something." I turned to look at her. I liked my nurse she wasn't like the others, she knew I wasn't mad. Just paranoid. I frowned tilting my head trying to detect what was missing off the landscape.

"Why not add a person?" She suggested. I nodded taking up more paint. I let my brush take over, choosing the colors the shapes. Till... "Ben?" I squinted my eyes, the figure had a mop of blonde hair a dazzling smile the tiny figure in the painting was Ben. Rage pooled in the pit of my stomach, I dipped my brush into the red paint.

One stroke,

Two strokes,

I kept adding more red to the tiny body, tears started to flow my strokes getting bigger more wild, I started to scream...

nurse's flooded the room as I covered my work in red stokes the colour sending flashbacks through my head.

They dragged me kicking and screaming back to my room. There was a pounding ache in my head, nausea in my stomach.

I kicked anything in my reach, dragging my nails down the walls... Destroying cards and gifts from people who didn't really care. The emotions overpowering.

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