Chapter 24: Court

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That night I didn't sleep.

I was constantly haunted with the thoughts of my past waking up multiple times kicking and screaming, the images of the blades cutting into my skin driving me crazy.

The third time I woke up my mother just cried, pulled me into her arms and sobbed. Her tears dampening my skin, the warmth of her embrace, the smell of that familiar perfume and I knew I was ok.

I'm ok...

I'm ok...





The shrill cry of my alarm brought me to consciousness. Today was the day. Funny how this was getting to me more than my closest friends funeral. I needed to be on high alert today. Only I could protect myself from seeing them.

Just like yesterday, I rolled over my bed to the outfit my mum had picked for today. She had asked me multiple times if I was sure that I wanted her to pick something, but to be honest I couldn't put myself through anything that involved thinking about them. So I just told her to get something red.

Red... I wanted something to represent the pain they had put me through. The colour of blood, to show how much I lost in hospital. The colour that had stained Bens perfect features, the colour that was no longer visible in his face as he was in a coffin stripped of personality...

Again I had been given a dress.

The same length as my other one, just falling below the knee. Yet this one flowed. It was tight fitted at the top with a delicate lace pattern down the middle and stopping at the waist. The waist tied with a lace ribbon matching the pattern. The rest of the silk dress draped down my body in an elegant way. But the thing I loved most of all was the colour. The deep red colour, almost black so beautiful.


By the time we had reached the place it was all being held, most people had already gathered.

As we made our way to the front, people started to whisper. I tried to block it out best I could, yet It was everywhere... I'd never been the centre of anyone's attention... I instinctively covered my leg paranoid someone would get too close.

"Is that her?"

"Look she really did loose her leg!"

"I bet she left that poor boy to die and crawled away."

"That's what I got told..."

"She's the guilty one here."

I turned my head away from all the stares, tears trickling down my cheeks. They have no idea the shit I've been through...

How dare they.

Before I could think any further, the judge appeared. As soon as she sat down, the doors to her right opened and out came Cal and Frank.

Each had two guards escorting them, also both handcuffed, like that's going to stop them, if they were scared they showed no signs of it. Both were smirking like it was all going to plan, that made me uneasy. Cal was the first to spot me, he winked before taking a seat.

Yet when Frank saw me he shouted "Hey!!! princess, all dolled up are we?" He wolf whistled. The guard behind him shoved him down into his seat sending him a glare.

My dad reached out, rubbing my shoulder for comfort.


The case didn't last long since they both pleaded guilty.

The judge listened to my story and then was given picture of both mine and Bens' injuries. Then was informed about other murders where their was evidence that the brothers had been involved in.

Police brought up the daggers they had dropped in order to get away. Painful memories flooded my head. At one point I burst into uncontrollable sobs and the judge asked for the daggers to be removed from court and once no longer needed, to be disposed of.

At this Frank had started to complain, causally saying that they important to the family  and that they wouldn't be happy that the expensive family heirlooms weren't going to be returned. In which the judge just shrugged it off. That manged to shove the smile off Frank's face for a few seconds.

After all evidence had been showed, the brothers were both given a life sentence.

Yet why didn't I feel better?

The constant smile they both retained throughout the court continued to make me uneasy. Before the left the room I decided to speak up. "Please, lock them up good. I...I don't trust them." On of the guards just smiled at me

"Don't worry they will have the best security, don't you trust us?" He laughed and walked out...

"No, no I don't..." I whispered.

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