Chapter 12: I hate the taste of blood

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Face to face with Cal, I had no idea what to do next... I couldn't exactly run away, that would mean leaving Ben. But if I stayed... I didn't exactly how I would leave unharmed.

"You wanted me, I'm here now, so just let Ben go." This was my only plan. If I could somehow get Ben out of this, I could slip away the moment they turned their backs making the whole ordeal much easier...

"You honestly think I'm just going to let him go? After he has seen who I am and obviously you're already told him about the drugs. If I let him go, once I'm finished with you, he could have half the country wanting me locked away." Amusement played across his sharp features.

I let the cool breeze fill my lungs. This was going to be harder than I thought.

"Besides, who do you think you are giving me orders like that?" It wasn't so much a question. More a taunt on how I would react. Well then Cal, two are able to play at that game...

"Please, I was just simply just asking for a favor." I fluttered my eyelashes sarcastically, tanning on the stop holding my arms together creating a posture to mimic a posture that would have made the sluttiest girl in the school proud.

That was a bad move...

Within seconds Cal closed the remainder of the gap between us before bringing his hand down with such force against my cheek, that I was sent tumbling back to the floor. A rapid burning sensation began to spread over my lip and cheek like a wildfire. Running my tongue across my lip my taste buds were quickly met with a thick coppery liquid. Panic began to rise in my chest as I realized this wasn't going to be the first time that I would be able to taste blood.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude to hit girls?" I spat towards him,  of the Crimson tint coating the floor as I did so.

My actions seemed to spark a flame in his eye that had rapidly grown dark at my remark. Wrapping his hands around my neck he easily hoisted me up, slamming me against one of the trees. Desperate to set myself free I clawed at his fingers to attempt to loosen them, but the more I struggled the tighter the grip on my neck. Black spots began to invade the corners of my eyes as I gulped for air, my wind pipe felt as if it was on fire, dry and raw. Just as I felt I wouldn't hold much longer Ben yelled out...

"Drop her! please, your going to kill her!" The guard behind him trying to stuff his mouth with the corner of his jumper to keep him quiet. Once again Ben's actions peaked Cal's interest causing him to drop me.

I collapsed onto the floor gulping in as many breaths of the sweet air as I could whilst clutching my neck. As I ran my fingers along it I could feel the dark marks already forming. As the spots invading my vision began to fade I caught a glimpse of Ben sprinting towards me...

He stopped just before me to run his thumb across my bleeding lip before tracing the soon-to-be bruises on my neck, the action causing his eyes to well up once again.

Finally finding my voice I was shocked at how raspy and hoarse it sounded, also how was painful it was to carry on, "hey don't cry over me, it's only a little blood it's not that bad." I don't know who I was trying to fool, considering how I felt, I can't of looked good.

The guards came up behind Ben tearing him away from me by his hair again, till he was held in front of Cal, I didn't have the energy to get up and stop them.

Before I could prepare myself for what was about to happen, Cal had already planted a punch directly into Bens stomach, the guys holding Ben up, loosened their grip on his hair allowing him double over. As he also made contact with the floor, the most recent contents of his stomach were added to the floors already mixed array of colours.

Using my limited upper arm strength, I hauled my limp body over to him, grabbing roots and clumps of dirt in the process to help me move along the uneven ground.

"Oh no you don't." A breath of warm air hit my ear sending shivering down my spine as a hand grabbed the back of my jumper and placed me against the tree again.

As far away from Ben as possible.

"Your not leaving here, till I see fit. Besides, you still haven't learnt your lesson." He smirked as my eyes widened. His fist collided with my jaw first, sending spurts of pain throughout the majority of my face, the pain was then doubled as his foot rapidly collided with my limp body over and over. The pain was overwhelming, I couldn't escape it no matter how hard I tried. Bens twisted screams were almost taunting, reminding me of how much of a failure I had become dragging somebody else into this mess I'd created. At some point an unnatural cracking noise echoed throughout the space followed by sharp, stabbing pains rocketing up the length my side. I dreaded to think about potential broken ribs.

Eventually... it stopped.

I just let myself lie there, unsure about whether he was just regaining energy before starting again, or he had given up... either way blows never came. The screams had also subsided and morbid curiosity to how the boy had reacted to it all caused me to glance his way... Ben was just staring blankly ahead at me, face drained of colour. It was as if he'd seen a ghost... I couldn't blame him. If this was the other way around I would be in a similar state. That and I would be trying to stab Cal for laying a hand on him, speaking of Cal...

Let my eyes skirt around the forests edge. The two bulky guards were still stood behind Ben, yet gave him enough room not to be completely closed between them.

Cal had returned again, either that or I hadn't been aware of him hiding. Reaching into his pocket i managed to catch a glimpse of silver object that he drew out. It's prominent colour glinting in the now practically full moon, I hadn't noticed how dark it had gotten. Well, my head had been face down in the dirt...

But that was the least of my worries as the silver object kept catching the light and as he passed Ben the expression of horror planted across his face told me I knew exactly what object he had in his hands.

A knife...

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