Chapter 17: The road to recovery

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I let my eyes inspect the faults and cracks on the ceiling of my bedroom. The longer my gaze lingered the more faults I could find. It was like looking at a person, at first they may seem average, fine. But as you inspect closer, you begin to see all the faults in them, the difficulties they face.

I used to be able to say I was different. Say at I would never show my faults to anyone. Yet as I placed my hand against my marked skin, I knew things were different now.

"I'm starting to show my cracks." I whispered upwards.

It had been 3 days since the incident in the woods. After I stayed the night at Bens house I went home the next day. Neither of us turned up for school, we were both emotionally drained and pain seemed to be the only thing on our minds. We had both walking into A and E on serape occasions to get proper stitches. Both having to sneak out immediately before social services could come and speak to us. It was too risky to let anybody else know. This had to be kept between us only.

When I got home that fateful night, my dad had been out, but my mother was sat in the kitchen rocking back and forth like a mad women. She was just worried I wouldn't come home. I told her I just got in a small fight and that I didn't come home because I didn't want her to worry too much. She fell asleep after that. That was good enough for her. After all I managed to hide the cuts from her. The only visible damage being a swollen lip and matching black eyes.

Yesterday, me and Ben had avoided each other, it was easier. Then I first saw him, the full extent of his injuries had become apparent, complete with black and blue marks over his face.

We both had our fair share.

The blonde barbie, Kirstie hadn't been there. I managed the day without any conflict only a few stares from by-passers. I wasn't sure if that was because of how I looked, or the rumours... Probably both. Perhaps they would try match them up... Make up some twisted story about how we beat each other for pleasure. The thought sickened me.

I flung my legs over the side of the bed ready to start and endure the shit school would throw at me.


As I paced down the corridors I made sure to stare at everybody who dared stare my way. I was not in the mood for their judgemental looks. No, today I needed to find Barbie doll and sort her out. My long legs reached out in front of me allowing my body to gracefully glide through the sea of people.

The healing stitches sending jolts of protests down my spin and into my abdomen reminding me I was still in no shape to start a fight. I didn't care... I could do this, if it meant one less problem for me and Ben.
Finally I spotted a perfectly slicked back ponytail attached to a barely dressed frame in bright pink.

Got ya.

My body reacted before my brain as I grasped a hold of her shoulders pinning her against the wall closest. Nail digging into her bony shoulders as rage built up in my gut.

"Get off me you freak!" she tried clawing my hands away, but I knew she wasn't going anywhere. I pressed deeper the harder she struggled against me.

"Now, now little Barbie. Me and you are going to have a nice chat without your little group aren't we." I remembered the way Cal had looked at me in the woods and tried to match it as I kept my gaze locked onto her. It seemed to of worked as she got rid of the other girls and walked into an empty classroom behind us.

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