Chapter 20: The Old Tree

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By the time we had reached the south side of the woods the atmosphere between the two of us seemed to of become more tolerable. The only light source provided was from the scattered street lamps. But standing in front of the silent rows of trees it was apparent that when we entered we wouldn't be able to rely on our sight.

I glanced over to see the small boy trembling by the side of me, whether that from the rapidly settling cool of the night or because the terror that awaited us I wish I knew... He caught onto my gaze, yet instead of turning away like I expected, he locked his gaze on my own, a sense of uneasiness enveloping me.

I broke the gaze, too ashamed of my actions to face up to my actions from before...

"At least look at me," He exhaled... "look it's ok if you don't feel the same, just please don't shut me out. You can't go through this alone." Fingers interlocked with my own, yet this time I didn't pull away.

I longed to pull him against me, to brush my lips upon his once more reassuring him I too felt this.

But that would be selfish.

Instead, I accepted his hand clasped within my own thankful for the support I so desperately needed to obtain my goal.


We had been walking for what felt like hours. The shrubs beginning to look identical and left me doubting all senses of direction. Glancing over to my left, there a rather tall fern tree stood alone... I swore we had passed about 20 minutes ago.

I knew where Cal wanted us to meet. The forest had always been a favorite area for his deals. It was secluded enough not to be seen by unwanted visitors, even if you were, a quick run in any direction meant loosing the unwanted company, sheltered from how dense the foliage was.

There was a particular area that he preferred, right in the center of the woods. Finding it, there was no simple route. Yet as soon as you come upon a thin stream you know you're close. The area we were headed was around where we were with Cal last time... The memory sent shivers down my spine, I was an idiot for leading us near his favorite spot, I didn't know what I was thinking... no wonder he was so confident in himself last time...

Following the stream if you cross over where it begins to widen, you've reached the spot. Here the stream circles around  the centre of the forest and directly in the middle of it all is one of the oldest trees you will see...

Bare, broad, branches reach out in every direction beckoning you closer. No other shrubs or saplings decorating the base, just the solitude of this one tree. I had only been there once to help with one of the smaller deals when I was once part of the group, however I had never had an intention to go back there again, until now.

I looked over to Ben to see if he was ok still, the fear must of started to set in on him as he looked even paler than usual. The rims of his new glasses were overly to big for his face yet still highlighted his porcelain features. I was so jealous at how he looked so angelic without even trying. I was so bewitched by his features that I didn't realize he was talking.

"Yaz? Are you listening to me?" Arms roughly enclosed over his chest.

"What? Oh sorry what were you saying?" Again I avoiding his lingering gaze.

"I said, is that the stream you were on about." My face fell at his words. It was true though. About 5 meters in front of us was a tiny stream curving round slightly. That was it. The little circle stream, or as Cal liked to call it... The ring of fire. If we were in any other situation I might of laughed at the finding Nemo reference, yet I couldn't find it in my heart to see any light in our situation, so I just squeezed his hand and leading him across.

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