{Observation 8: The Valkyries}

Start from the beginning

She also was made to believe that her power was made to bestow judgement upon the sinful normals, who prosecuted them daily.

Her perspective didn't change until she stumbled upon a certain mutant.

At the young age of seven, Hana was walking in the tunnel near their base alone; her parents had died a month prior.

She was told never to go up to the surface without an adult, and as such, hadn't seen what it looked like yet.

As curious as she was, she followed the instructions her late parents gave her, and simply turned around to go back home when she didn't feel like walking any further.

On the way, however, a group of mutants were bunched up in a corner of the sewers that they called home.

She could see a few of the chosen ignore them completely, but her curiosity made her do the exact opposite.

This event ended up changing her completely, as what the group of mutants were doing, was sexually assaulting a blue haired woman.

"What... are you doing!?"

Hana blurted that out, completely in shock for more than one reason.

She didn't know much about sex, and she had never felt angered by anything her fellow mutants had done.

But when she had seen the woman's pained expression, she knew what was happening before her eyes was wrong.

"Eh? Oh, it's just Hana. Why don't you go run back home, ya? We're just having fun as fellow chosen here."

A response befitting a scumbag.

Hana didn't let up though.

"Why does she look like she isn't enjoying... whatever it is you're doing?"

The group, consisting of three men, started to get agitated.

"Look, if she really didn't like it, she could just teleport away; that's her power, ya? The fact that she isn't mean that she likes it! Now scram!"


"It means she can disappear from here and reappear in another place."

Hana pondered this for a moment while looking at the woman's eyes.

She definitely didn't enjoy it, but it looked like she had all but given up to the assault.

Not to mention, the ghastly things Hana was seeing that were normally behind clothes just made her entire mind scream 'this is all wrong!'.

But what could she have done?

She didn't understand what was going on at all, but she felt the need to yell at them to stop.

That was when someone pulled her away.

Hana's fists were clenched and she didn't even realize.

"Alrighty, that's enough of that. Sorry for the interruption, we'll be going now."

It was a young girl's voice, seemingly sounding not too much older than her, and Hana turned to see a small girl with purple hair and a tense smile.

"Ah, thanks Lucy. You're always so understanding for someone so young!"

"No problem, no problem. ...Come on, you. Are you trying to get yourself hurt?"

The words Lucy whispered into Hana's ear as she pulled her even further away made her even more upset.

Once they were out of earshot of the group, Hana ripped her arm away from Lucy.

"What do you mean, trying to get myself hurt?"

Fake Hero Vol2; Fight of the ValkyriesWhere stories live. Discover now