{Observation 7: The strangest things can happen in life}

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"-in time. Go and suppress his memories."

Laurence could barely make out an unfamiliar voice.

He wasn't sure if he had blacked out from the pain, or if something else caused him to become unconscious.

"Got it. Sorry about this..."

He wouldn't even remember thinking this, however, as a throbbing pain seared throughout his head, his mouth trying to scream, but not a single noise escaped, since his mouth was covered by something.

Soon, he blacked out again, and those memories that started to resurface faded into oblivion.

* * * * *

"-ey, how long are you going to sleep?"

Laurence could barely make out an unfamiliar voice.

He wasn't sure if he had blacked out from the pain, or if something else caused him to become unconscious.

He groaned for a bit, clutching his head, and sat up gingerly.

Opening his eyes, it was blurry, but he could make out a few shapes.

"Fantastic, you're up. We've taken you out of danger for now, but we'll need to get moving as soon as you're able."

Another voice made it's presence known, this time he could recognize it's tone as a man's.

He couldn't tell whether the first voice was a woman's or not, as he was completely disoriented, and the headache he had wasn't helping.

That's when a thought was made through Laurence's voice.


He spoke it without thinking, as the last thing he remembered was that he was with her before being ambushed.

"I'm here."

He heard the familiar voice as he turned, his blurry vision finally starting to gain some clarity.

He was able to see her relieved expression, as well as the details of her clothing, so he knew he should try to move.

The first person that spoke said they needed to move when they were able, and although he had questions, he knew there was no time.

Laurence slid over to a brick wall near him and used it as he steadied himself into a standing position.

That's when he noticed that the pain in his foot was gone, and looked down, gasping at what he saw.

His shoe was off, but the foot that he knew was stabbed through showed no wounds.

Before he could dismiss the earlier pain as imagination, he saw his sneakers off to the side, a large, red nash running through it.

"Ask later. Right now we need to escape."

A woman's voice, who he guessed was the first person that spoke to him, addressed him upon noticing his expression.

Laurence turned to her and realized they were in an empty, run down room of some sort, probably not too far away from where they were attacked, as the tone of urgency was still in everyone's voice and expressions.

The woman had dark circles under her eyes and long, messy black hair.

Her narrow, dark brown eyes were irritated, and she wore a black dress, giving her an overall dreary feeling.

That's right, it was my pawn; gloomy girl!

...Er, anyways.

The man, who was peeking through a crack in the door, had brown hair like Laurence, but his hair was slick and straight.

Fake Hero Vol2; Fight of the ValkyriesWhere stories live. Discover now