{Observation 7: The strangest things can happen in life}

Start from the beginning

He also wore a hawaiian shirt, which left a bitter taste in Laurence's mouth from the memory of Gregory.

"We've got the thumbs up from the networker."

The man stood up and opened the door widely, signalling the group to make their way through.

Laurence shimmed his foot into the destroyed shoe, simply to give him some more balance in his steps, and walked.

As they made their way through the door, Laurence noticed that they had one more woman with them.

She had long blond hair and wore a long trench coat along with an inappropriate smile.

"Oo, this is quite exciting!"

"Sharon, can you please take this seriously for once?"

"I am, of course, but I never get to leave the base! ...Well, almost never~"


As the women exchanged those words, Laurence could see someone familiar down the hallway.

The networker that signalled them was...


Bug looked at Laurence with a bitter smile.

"Just pretend I'm not here, alright? Anyways, the mob is searching the buildings to the left; before they come here, we should use the exit ladder in the room over here."

Bug was already walking to the right end of the hall before he finished his explanation, and everyone followed.

Laurence noticed a trail of blood across the floor towards where they came from and frowned at the prospect of it being his.

There really were too many questions about what happened while he was unconscious, as well as why they were being hunted by an abnormal amount of people, but his desire to survive won over his curiosity.

Without giving the room so much as a once over, the group followed Bug as he moved out the window and onto the metal ladder.

"Keep moving."

It was an obvious statement, but when working with a networker, there were times when they would tell you to stop moving altogether when danger was near.

They were good at moving around and avoiding traps and ambushes.

This specialization made them valuable assets, and a 'trusted' networker could help you out of the direst of situations.

That's why, when they say something as obvious as 'keep moving' they weren't saying it to insult you, but rather to remind you that you hired them to do a job.

Not following the guidance you seeked was a stupid thing to do indeed.

This reminder also served as a warning of sorts; "If you don't want to be put in danger, follow my instructions carefully from this point on" is what it said.

In other words, here was the most dangerous part of their job.

When they were all down the ladder, Bug motioned for them to continue following him.

It was a rather straightforward path of moving away from the crowd of people, but for some reason, Bug was avoiding the main streets, which would have meant safety.


Laurence spoke that one word before a glare from the black-haired girl shut his mouth.

He kept silent and thought about it on his own.

If we are staying away from the main streets... then does that mean that even they are unsafe for us?

Fake Hero Vol2; Fight of the ValkyriesWhere stories live. Discover now