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The rain had softened a little as I turned on to the main road, my breathing relaxed a little as I had reached a substantial difference away from the house, but I couldn’t fully relax because the main road was the place I was most likely to be seen of noticed, I pulled my hat a little further down and slowly started up the road.

I had never cared for this road, the garish neon “Open” flashing on some of the doors, the illuminated kebab shop signs in that awful yellow reflecting of the wet road, the way the smell of blocked and overflowing drains always seemed to hang in the air like a choking fog had always unnerved me and tonight more so from others as I had that weird tingling feeling like I was being watched, I had felt it since I had left the park. I caught the eye of a shifty looking guy smoking outside of Ladbrokes, I immediately look away in any direction not afraid he would take my staring as a challenge, but because his expression showed intrigue not indifference, and indifference was safe, It meant I wasn’t noticeable, it like an invisibility cloak and he would look away and forget I was there, intrigue meant I looked young, lost and scared, intrigue meant I looked like a runaway.

I exited the main road via a small back road on the left and waited till I had rounded two more corners before I started running again. It was late really late I was estimating about 11 which gave me about an hour to get to the warehouses. Another left, the rain had ceased but left my jeans soaked and the night air had cooled the water which meant the cold felt like it was reaching my bones, but I kept running.

I rounded another bend and almost ran in to the steel gates of the warehouse sector, I took a step back and spotted the padlock holding it firmly closed. I decided to try scaling the fence it was made of wire held up by big iron supports, If I climbed near the support it might hold. Slowly I inched my way up, it didn’t feel two sturdy and I wobbled as I climbed and after a few minutes of preying no one saw me I reached the top and slid down the iron support. As soon as me feet touched the ground again I took off running, I was so close to a safe place to sleep.

After fifteen minutes of trying doors it was in vain everything was locked, my feet weighed tons and eyelids were refusing to stay open. I fell back and allowed my body to slide down the wall behind, gazing up at the cloudy sky. My eye caught sight of something fluttering down and it neared me I realised it was a piece of paper and I stood up to reach for it. I look like it had been torn from a leaflet and as I turned it over I saw that written almost illegibly on the back was “14B”. I just stared at it blankly and it took me a good minute to realise what it was, I stood up and started down to my left, but not before I looked up to see who had given me the warehouse number, there was nothing there and as I looked away swore I saw something move in my periphery, I would have gone after It but my fatigue was far greater than my curiosity.

It took ten minutes of walking which felt like an hour to find warehouse 14B. The door was stiff and it took a few minutes to force it open but I got inside and out of the cold night air. In a tired haze, I wondered into the first room on my left, a small office and collapsed behind a desk using my backpack as a pillow.  It was the first night in a long time that I’d been able to sleep without the nauseating worry about tomorrow, and as I closed my eyes that night guilt took over my mind, and his name was the first thing in my mind and the last thing on my lips…


So how do you like my first chapter,Sorry again about the action. please tell me how you feel about the story so far.I am so sorry about grammar and spelling.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2013 ⏰

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