Part 2

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Jade’s Prov

Second part I hope you like it. If you have any ideas how the story should go, tell me .

Again a new house.Again a new school. Again, I have to find new friends. This is probably our fourth house this year and the fourth school. My dad got a new job again and of course he took it. I know my parents only want the best for me and my brother but it hurts to continually find new friends and to lose after a few months anyway.

, Jade c’mon you come late to your first day at school”

My mum was always so busy. She wanted a perfecte daughter and I was pretty good at it I only got high marks, I was even allowed to skip two classes. Therefore, I will probably be the youngest in the class again.

I looked at myself in the mirror and fixed my bow. This time is different. If I have no friends here, it also does not hurt to go again.
Someone banged loudly on my door.

, Jade, come on I want to go now” which was pretty annoying voice of my big brother. He was the total opposite of me, confident, strong, popular and everything what should be a 18 year old teenager. I was also once everything but after the second school I change me.

  „ I'm coming down.” I went down the stairs into the kitchen. My mum was sitting at the table and read the newspaper.

, Where is carl? ” Suddenly someone put his hands around my hips and swirls me around. I chuckled a bit but knew immediately who it was.

,, Hey you two, please, we have neighbors” My mum looked back at her newspaper.

Carl put me up and kissed me on the cheek
, And .. ready for the first school day? ”

, Yes I think so” I smiled at him and off we went to his car.

,, Have fun” My mum knew it was hard for me to get into a new school again but she always says we should make the best of it.

The road to the new school was twenty minutes long. I just looked out the window and thought about how this school would be good.

,, Hey jade you’re ok? ” My brother was always very protective of me.

, Yes I’m fine, I'm just a little excited”

, Everything will be fine to be determined quickly you can find new friends and if someone is mean to you, then I’ll show him once how we Thirwall's deal with bullies. ” He made ​​his typical boss face and grinned at me.

No matter how annoying he was sometimes I love my brother.

We got out of the car and went straight to school. I immediately saw how looks were directed at us, and my thoughts were running wild.

Do I look bad? does not fit my hair? I wear something wrong or is my makeup blurs?

I do not wear much make up but who knows what’s hot in this school.

, I'm just in the bathroom” I lowered my eyes and tried not to look into the eyes.

, Ok we’ll see you in class take care of yourself” my brother was calling through the hallway, and I was already embarrassed because now even more people stare at me.

  I looked around, hoping to find a bathroom somewhere. As I walked around the corner, I stopped abruptly
There were three girls, they all looked top styled and many student looked at her. The girl in the middle was the prettiest. She had blond hair that fell to her shoulders to her blue eyes sparkled and I was standing a few meters away. she looked as if she had just hit something in the face, she looked around and saw me, I looked quickly back on the ground and went on hoping that she has not seen what I've been staring.

I went ahead without really knowing where to go. When the bell rang for teaching hour I was somewhere without knowing where I actually am. I looked around and noticed that all the people were gone. I looked around and did not know where, I just ran along any corridor.
Suddenly I ran against a person and fell on the ground.

,, Oh my god, I’m sorry are you okay” I looked up and a woman with long dark brown hair stood before me. she was probably 27 years old.
she held out her hand and pulled me up with a jolt.
woow she was strong.

,, Thank you” I smiled

, You’re new here right? I'm tulisa, the school nurse. Are you lost? ”

, Yes, I can not find my class room” I looked unsteady on his floor.
She took my stundenplan and looked where I should go.

,, You need the room B312, I’ll take you to your class room” she smiled and took my arm and led me to a room.

, Here we are, have a nice day .. Öhmm? ” She looked at me quizzically.

, Ohh uh Jade” I smiled

, Jade, have a nice first day” she smiled and I could have sworn she had dark brown eyes and now they were rather light brown. I’m probably just confused.

I opened the door and walked into the room and the teacher looked at me immediately.

, I’m sorry, I did not find the class room” I said uncertainly.

, No problem, class, this is jade” I looked around and immediately recognized my brother sit in the back row. I looked ahead and saw two of the three girls that I have seen just now they were holding hands, I assume they are a couple. And then I saw her. She looked at me with a look I could not place. I could not take my eyes of her .

she jumped up and excused himself to go to. I looked after her, as she walked out of the class room.

, Jade, you can put next to leigh ann. ” I would most like to sit next to my brother, but there was no space. I sat down next to the girl what was apparently leigh ann.

She grinned at me, hey”

I gave a small smile back, hey”
I lowered my eyes and tried to concentrate on the lesson but my thoughts were elsewhere. I do not know what but something is going on with the three girls. they are different. I just do not know how.

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