Ethico-Moral Aspects in Nursing

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Ethos - comes from Greek work w/c means character/culture 

         - Branch of Philosophy w/c determines right and wrong 

Moral - personal/private interpretation from what is good and bad. 

Ethical Principles: 

1.   Autonomy – the right/freedom to decide (the patient has the right to refuse despite the explanation of the nurse) Example: surgery, or any procedure

2.   Nonmaleficence – the duty not to harm/cause harm or inflict harm to others (harm maybe physical, financial or social)

3.   Beneficence- for the goodness and welfare of the clients

4.   Justice – equality/fairness in terms of resources/personnel

5.   Veracity - the act of truthfulness

6.   Fidelity – faithfulness/loyalty to clients

Moral Principles: 

1.   Golden Rule

2.   The principle of Totality – The whole is greater than its parts

3.   Epikia – There is always an exemption to the rule

4.   One who acts through as agent is herself responsible – (instrument to the crime)

5.   No one is obliged to betray herself – You cannot betray yourself

6.   The end does not justify the means

7.   Defects of nature maybe corrected

8.   If one is willing to cooperate in the act, no justice is done to him

9.   A little more or a little less does not change the substance of an act.

10.        No one is held to impossible

Law - Rule of conduct commanding what is right and what is wrong. Derived from an Anglo-Saxon term that means“that          which is laid down or fixed” 

Court - Body/agency in government wherein the administration of justice is delegated.

Plaintiff - Complainant or person who files the case (accuser)

Defendant - Accused/respondent or person who is the subject of complaint

Witness- Individual held upon to testify in reference to a case either for the accused or against the accused. 

Written orders of court 

Writ – legal notes from the court 

    1. Subpoena 

        a. Subpoena Testificandum – a writ/notice to an individual/ordering him to appear in court at a specific time and                date as witness. 

        b. Subpoena Duces Tecum- notice given to a witness to appear in court to testify including all important                        documents 

Summon – notice to a defendant/accused ordering him to appear in court to answer the complaint against him 

Warrant of Arrest - court order to arrest or detain a person

Search warrant - court order to search for properties.

Private/Civil Law - body of law that deals with relationships among private individuals

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