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Cleansing Enemas 

Stimulate peristalsis through irrigation of colon and rectum and by distention 

1.   Soap Suds: Mild soap solutions stimulate and irritate intestinal mucosa. Dilute 5 ml of castile soap in 1000 ml of water

2.   Tap water: Give caution o infants or to adults with altered cardiac and renal reserve

3.   Saline: For normal saline enemas, use smaller volume of solution

4.   Prepackaged disposable enema (Fleet): Approximately 125 cc, tip is pre-lubricate and does not require further preparation

Oil-Retention Enemas 

Lubricates the rectum and colon; the feces absorb the oil and become softer and easier to pass

Carminative Enema 

Provides relief from gaseous distention

Astringent Enema 

Contracts tissue to control bleeding

Key Points: Administering Enema 

1.   Fill water container with 750 to 1000 cc of lukewarm solution, (500 cc or less for children, 250 cc or less fro an infant), 99 degrees F to 102 degrees F. Solutions that are too hot or too cold, or solutions that are instilled too quickly, can cause cramping and damage to rectal tissues

2.   Allow solution to run through the tubing so that air is removed

3.   Place client on left side in Sim’s position

4.   Lubricate the tip of the tubing with water-soluble lubricant

5.   Gently insert tubing into client’s rectum (3 to 4 inches for adult, 1 inch for infants, 2 to 3 inches for children), past the external and internal sphincters

6.   Raise the water container no more than 12 to 18 inches above the client

7.   Allow solution to flow slowly. If the flow is slow, the client will experience fewer cramps. The client will also be able to tolerate and retain a greater volume of solution

8.   After you have instilled the solution, instruct client to hold solution for about 10 to 15 minutes

9.   Oil retention: enemas should be retained at least 1 hour. Cleansing enemas are retained 10 to 15 minutes.

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