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Stress (Theory by Hans Selye) 

§  Non specific response of the body to nay demand made upon it

§  Any situation in which a non specific demand requires an individual to respond or take action

1. Characteristics of Stress 

    a. Stress is not nervous energy. Emotional reactions are common stressors 

    b. Stress is not always the result of damage to the body 

    c. Stress does not always result in feelings of distress (harmful or unpleasant stress) 

    d. Stress is a necessary part of life and is essential for normal growth and development 

    e. Stress involves the entire body acting as a whole and is an integrated manner 

    f. Stress response is natural, productive and adaptive 

2. Stressors 

§  Factor or agent producing stress, maybe: physiological, psychological, social, environmental, developmental, spiritual or cultural and represent an unmet needs

    a. Classification of Stressors 

§  Internal Stressors – originate from within the body. E.g. fever, pregnancy, menopause, emotion such as guilt

§  External Stressors – originate outside a person. E.g. change in family or social role, peer pressure, marked change in environmental temperature

    b. Factors influencing response to stressors 

§  Physiological functioning

§  Personality

§  Behavioral characteristics

§  Nature of the stressor: integrity, scope, duration, number, and nature of other stressors

§  Homeostasis – Process of maintaining uniformity, stability and constancy with in the living organisms. (From Greek word homotos – like, and stasis – position)

§  Adaptation – Body’s adjustment to different circumstances and conditions. Process by the physiological or psychological dimensions change in response to stress; attempt to maintain optimal functioning

Adaptation to Stress-Physiological Response (Hans Selye) 

    1. Local Adaptation Syndrome (LAS) – Response of a body tissue, organ or part to the stress of trauma, illness or         other physiological change 

        a. Characteristics 

§  The response is localized, it does not involve entire body systems

§  The response is adaptive, meaning that a stressor is necessary to stimulate it

§  The response is short term. It does not persist indefinitely

§  The response is restorative, meaning that the LAS assists in restoring homeostasis to the body region or part

        b. Two Localized Responses 

§  Reflex Pain Response – is a localized response of the central Nervous system to pain. It is an adaptive response and protects tissue from further damage. The response involves a sensory receptor, a sensory nerve from the spinal cord, and an effector muscle. An example would be the unconscious, reflex removal of the hand from a hot surface.

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