'Sounds cool, dude.' Raphael only replies.

There's silence again and I don't want there to be, so I say the first thing that comes to mind.

'Your brother's cute.'

We're both leaning back now, staring at the ceiling as we talk.

'Don't hit on my brother.' A weak slap to my arm accompanies his answer, 'He's too good for you.'

'You're like the evil step mom.' I chuckle again. And get slapped again. But there's absolutely no strength behind it so it's more like the shoulder patting form before.

We sit in silence again for a few minutes, before he decides to speak.

'You're not too bad.'

'You're not too bad yourself.' I say back and raise my fist for a fist bump.

We fail miserably when we both miss the other's fist and end up in a fit of manly giggles once again.

'You're wasted.' he observes.

'So are you.'

'Sure am.' he mumbles.

His head falls to the side and ends up on my shoulder. I tense for a second, then relax when I realise he's fallen asleep.

When he wakes up literally two minutes after, I can't help but laugh.

He looks at me, smiles, then says: 'You can change into a wolf, you know. More comfortable, right?'

While he waits for an answer, he just stares at me and it would have been quite creepy had we not both been as drunk as we are.

'Cool.' I slur and stand up abruptly, making Raphael fall onto the sofa face first.

I head to the bathroom and struggle to take off my clothes. No use ruining them. It takes quite a while, as some pieces decide to fight back and I decide to go to the toilet while I'm here anyway.

I change into my wolf form while still in the bathroom.

Blinking, my eyes look down at my paws, taking in the light beige and white marking. I do have pretty paws.

I lazily walk back to where Raphael is still lying on his face on the couch and lie down on the floor in front of it.

He's not really moving, so I figure he's back asleep. My head falls onto my paws and I close my eyes.

When I feel a soft touch on top of my head, I open my eyes back up in reflex.

'Pretty wolf.' I hear a slur from above me. It's Raphael. He's petting my head all the way down to my shoulder blades, flattening my fur and ruffling it up in a slow succession. I can't help but let out an appreciative purr-like sound.

He chuckles and just keeps going.

Somehow, ten minutes later, I find myself lying on my back with Raphael sitting next to me and scratching my belly. It's a funny thing, because at that moment, it doesn't even register to me that this is a submissive pose, because right now, Raphael doesn't understand it as one either.

He laughs for every time I purr and just doesn't stop and it feels so delicious.

Once he does stop, he just falls face first into me, like before on the sofa. He's fallen asleep on my belly.

I try not to poke him with my paws as I carefully roll over onto my side and slightly curl around him.

He only hums, adjusts his position a bit and stills again.

I would laugh if I were human, but since I'm a wolf I just settle for one more round of purring before closing my eyes as well.

Shuffling at my side wakes me and when i drowsily open my eyes, I stare right into dark grey ones, looking at me curiously. I swallow, but don't move away. I'm faintly aware that I'm back in my human form, my arm around Raphael's waist, my legs tangled with his and his fingertips on my back, tracing invisible patterns.

What holds my attention, however, is the tip of my nose touching his.

I try to calm my breathing down, concentrating on this, but he's not saying anything, moving away or looking somewhere else. He doesn't seem uncomfortable, but I can hear his heart and it's beating just about as quickly as mine is.

His eyes won't leave mine even for a second and I can feel small puffs of air on my lips every time he releases a breath.

I swallow again and reflexively lick my lips, a tick everyone seems to have when nervous. And I am very nervous.

I quietly groan in the back of my throat when I feel him slightly shifting against me and remember that I am, in fact, naked. Having changed back some time during what little sleep I got, it should have been obvious from when I first woke up, but I was preoccupied.

His eyes darken slightly at the sounds and he shuffles even closer, his arm under my head moving to grasp my shoulders.

I kiss him then.

There wasn't much of a gap between our lips in the first place, so it didn't take a lot for me to close it.

An electrifying feeling runs through me the moment my lips touch his and I can't help but let out a little moan, at the same time that he does too.

At that point, I can't hold back. Before I even realise, his tongue and mine are touching, playing, wrestling for dominance and my hands are roaming under his shirt as are his on my bare back.

Our eyes are closed now, both of us trying to relish in the feeling of being so close, so attracted.

When he pulls away to breathe, just far enough for our lips to still be slightly touching, my eyes open briefly to meet his. Just that one moment is everything. I feel as if my heart suddenly beats stronger, my body buzzes with energy and I capture his lips once again, pushing against him with all that I have, only to receive the same.

His fingers grasp my ass and I moan and that is when we both still for a second, lips separating and eyes staring at the other's wide open. I see him pale and I know I do too.

Both of us are breathing heavily, but I can see realisation cross over his face when it all sinks in for me too.

And still, I cannot stop myself from quickly glancing at his lips swollen from our kiss.

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