《One: Hiding the Marks》

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*Ben's P.O.V.*

"Ben get up! We're going to be late" I heard my mom yell as I slipped my shirt on. I quickly grabbed my shoes and hoodie and ran down the stairs.

"I'm up, I'm up" I ran into the dining room and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning" I smiled at everyone and grabbed a cup of coffee, only for it to be snatched out of my hands seconds later.

"Ben you know what coffee does to your wolf," Dad said in a stern voice

"I can keep him under control now, I've been training really hard"

"You still can't have coffee" He then started fixing the cup of coffee the way he likes it and I knew there was no way I'd be having some.

"Come on Ben, to the car," Mom said grabbing her keys. I grabbed an apple and followed her out to the car. "What time is your training at again?"

"Twelve to two. Please don't make me late again, Dad made me run even more laps around the territory"

"I'll try to remember" She smirked at me and I knew she was joking and would get back to training on time.

We drove up to the store and quickly grabbed everything we needed for the bbq we are having for a pack that is coming to visit soon, and for Dad's birthday. I wonder if I'll find my mate, probably not. I only just turned eighteen, usually, wolves find their mates in their twenties. Well except my mom and dad they found each other the day my mom turned eighteen. Then again she rejected him at first.

"Benjamin, are you even listening?" I looked over and saw Mom was pissed. Great.

"Sorry I was thinking about the pack that's coming to visit"

"It's alright I guess. You didn't cover up your markings today" She whispered sternly to me. I grabbed my phone and checked the back of my neck, then my arms. Damn I did forget. "Do you have the medicine with you?"

"I think in the car" She handed me the keys and I quickly walked out of the store and to the car. I saw a group of people I know from school and started to panic. This is just a great day for me. 

"Ben!" A high girly voice yelled out followed by some chuckles.

"Fuck please get rid of her" my wolf, Ian, begged.

"I'll try" I turned to the group of people and kept backing away. I put my hood on to cover up my markings and yelled "Sorry I have to go do something. I'll see you guys later!" Then I ran before they could respond.

I checked the whole car and couldn't find my medicine. I usually have a bottle in the car, but I took it out I remember now. It's getting refilled.

"Hey Mom, my medicine isn't in the car"

"Just stay there. I'm almost done"

"Alright," I just sat and waited in the car for Mom to return. I looked at my mark in the mirror. It was a whole bunch of lines and spirals on my back, and on my arms were the sun and moon. They appeared after I shifted when I was five.

My parents took me to one of the elders to ask what the markings meant and we found out I'm the eclipse wolf, the first ever eclipse wolf. Since I'm the first eclipse wolf to ever live my wolf is strange, at random times I'll feel pain or a certain emotion that doesn't make sense, and other times I'll randomly shift or my use my powers without meaning to.

After an incident when I was eight my parents started homeschooling me. I was lucky my class was all werewolves from my pack. "Hey Ben, where are you?" My best friend Jeremy asked. He's the son of the third in command

"At the store with my mom, why?"

"Oh I just wanted to see if you wanted to start training early"

"Oh, I'll be there as soon as I can" I cut our mindlink and got out of the car. I made sure to put my hood back on as I walked towards the store to find Mom.

"Ben!" That same female voice yelled out. I sighed as I heard her approach me.

"Hey Vanessa"

"Hey, we're all going to this club later and were wondering if you wanted to come with us" she batted her lashes. Vanessa is a sweet girl, a bit flirty but isn't a total slut. I know she's had a crush on me since we were pups but she's never actually fully made a move on me.

"Sorry I can't. Strict parents" I said then quickly walked into the store and sniffed out where Mom was. She only had half the things on her list crossed off. "Hey Mom, could I shift and run to the pack so I'm not late for training? I'll help put the groceries away when you get home"

"Fine, just be careful and don't let Ian take control"

"Alright, thanks" I ran back out and to the forest. I quickly stripped and shifted into my wolf. My fur was black with sliver spots like the night sky, I shook my body and then started running towards the pack house.

I was halfway there when I felt something weird stir within me. I stopped to see if it would settle but it didn't, it just grew stronger.

Ian then took control and just sat there. He wouldn't let me mindlink anyone or move. We sat there for awhile, I knew I was late to training but Ian didn't care. I finally just gave up on trying to take control again, and that's when I felt it.

It felt as if I were being grabbed and shoved up against a wall. The feeling of panic flashed through my body. I felt my eyes change color to silver then I was looking at some guy, I wasn't in the forest anymore. I could faintly hear what the guy was yelling as he pinned me against the wall.

"You're nothing but a pathetic little wolf...I can't believe you actually fell for that" he laughed and I felt tears fall down my cheeks. Ian growled as we continued to watch this vision. I felt someone punch my stomach and knock the air out, but I never cried for help. I just took the blows.

Then there was a growl and the guy was ripped off of me. That's where the vision ended. When I focused back to the forest I saw Dad and Mom's wolves in front of me. Mom was pacing and Dad was trying to calm her.

Ian gave me control back and I collapsed to the forest floor. "Ben?" Mom asked through mindlink.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't stop him. I tried I really did but he wouldn't give me control"

"It's alright son, what did you see this time?" Dad asked in a soothing tone, instead of commanding.

"It was some guy, holding me against a wall yelling at me about how pathetic I was, he punched me in the gut a few times and then someone ripped him off of me and that's where it ended" They nodded and helped me up. We walked back home in silence, I knew they were mad but they didn't want to show it because it wasn't fully my fault.

I also knew that they had no idea what to do with me, they never know what to do with me. I know at times they're scared of me and for me, that they wished I was not like this. They don't have to tell me. Its one of my powers. I can feel other peoples' emotions and sometimes read their minds. It's not as great of a power as you think it is.


The pictures are of Ben's markings

Hey guys, I'm sorry I didn't release this on the day I said I would. But here it is, with a few more chapters as well. Happy Halloween!

Thanks for reading

The Markings They Bare *On Hold*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon