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It was quiet, too quiet. Earlier in the morning I had driven Ellie to the airport and sent her off back home. I acted on impulse and kissed her goodbye before immediately getting into my car and speeding off. In hind sight, not the best way to leave a girl, but I was totally freaking out. That kiss had lasted longer than the other one we had shared.

While Ellie was back in Oregon, I got stuck in my uncle's tower. Such a bore since no one is really around except Thor. And he weirdly worships me. But then again, he goes out to see Jane pretty often. So I decided to eat a tub of ice cream while I binge watching Netflix in the bath tub. I was half way through the first season of Supernatural when I received an IM from Chiron.

"Yeah Chiron?" I ask sort of in a funk. I couldn't tell if he could see anything below my chest. I hoped he couldn't. 

"Please come up to Olympus. It's very important so hurry." He then proceeded to cut off the connection. I sat there frozen with no explanation. 

I sighed and exited the bath tub to get dressed. I chose a navy blue button down shirt and tucked it into a pair of blue jeans. I slipped on a belt and rolled the sleeves to my elbows. I looked at myself in the mirror. I wasn't the same kid they'd known at the end of the war, but I also wasn't the person they saw at the funeral. Taking a huge breath, I pulled on my shoes and headed for the Empire State building.

"Thor! I'm going to Olympus! Be back whenever I can!" I shouted as I walked out the door. Jarvis will know so Tony won't blow up. I decided to get to Olympus by Water Travel. Turning myself into water molecules. It was something I had been working on for a while. When I appeared in the Throne room, everyone had shocked looks. 

"I uh had um some spare time?" It came out more like a question. 

"Percy Jackson. We have a not so quest, quest for you. Hestia has informed of a daughter that she never knew she had until recently. It must have been a situation similar to Athena, as she was fond of a mortal man who was married. I believe you know her. Ellie Walters. We need you to keep her safe." Zeus thundered. I scrunched my nose.

"You mean to tell me, my... girlfr-Ellie, in Oregon, is a daughter of Hestia, who is a maiden goddess?" I asked incredulously. 

"Yes..." My father responded. 

"Oh my gods." I breathed.

//This is for @DanielMunday0 who commented the idea. So thank you.//

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