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"Percy." A voice hissed. I sat up to see Chiron's worried face in an IM. I glared, my sleep having been interrupted. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"Something happened, camp is practically gone."

"What?" I said, the feeling of sleep leaving my body.

"Or the Legion." The Legion? What happened to the Legion?

"What happened?" Chiron looked a bit unravelled. 

"Something happened to the Legion. They came storming into camp, and began attacking everyone. Nico risked his life to end the attack. Unfortunately, there were no survivors. We even had called Annabeth back, but she didn't make it. You're the last Greek demigod Percy. We're all gone." Chiron moved over so I could see miles of shrouded bodies. 

"I'm coming right now." I quickly put on some casual clothes. I planned to carve headstones and place them where everyone was lying. Everything was numb. All my friends, everyone who I had just seen yesterday, they were all dead. And they had died by the hands of their friends. I stopped by Ellie's hotel and called her. 

"Get dressed. We are going somewhere." She didn't speak, just hung up and came to the car ten minutes after. Her hair was a mess by the time she got into the car. She was wearing jeans, sneakers, and a sweatshirt.  

"What's going on Percy? It's like the middle of the night." Ellie asked on the way. 

"You'll see." I said, still in shock. 

Chiron greeted us as soon as we made it to the border and Thalia's tree. The beginning of Half-Blood hill was the same. The Athena Parthenos was still there, like nothing had ever happened. What was different was the mountains of shrouded bodies littering the valley below. 

"Percy." Ellie gasped at the sight. Both of her hands flew to cover her mouth like she was going to cry. 

"I'm the last one. Condemned into living broken for eternity. I should have been here." I whispered. "Did any Romans survive?" 

"Just the legacies that remained behind in New Rome." I nodded. Ellie tugged on my arm and I looked at her. There were tears running down her cheeks. I felt my own fall. 

"Time to bury the dead Percy." She whispered shakily.

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