6-A Week Later

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I punched the bag with frustration. It was hard adjusting to living in a place where two people know the truth, your boss hates you, and all of your friends are still friends with your ex so there's no avoiding conversing about her. Clint stared at me with shock written across his face as the bag flew off the chain. I shrugged and turned to see that Natasha was readying the guns for target practice. 

"I'm no good with aim Clint. You know this." I said thinking back to my first week at camp before Poseidon claimed me. 

"I don't care. You'll learn." He said sternly. I nodded and grabbed a gun from the table, aiming for the target in front of me. It was going to take a while. 

-----time skip-----------------

We decided to go for pizza later that night. I'd begun to think that Tony didn't cook much, nor did anyone else. The pizza place had no Coke (such a shock, every restaurant has coke!) so I settled for a root beer in the bottle instead. It made me feel like I was actually drinking like others on the team. 

The waitress serving us was about my age and obsessed with getting me to notice her. I didn't know if it was because of the cool blue button down I was wearing (the top two buttons undone) or the fact that I'd had to keep my hair out of my face with a banana because I was too lazy to get a hair cut. Whatever the reason was, it made the team laugh, my uncle look mortified, and me embarrassed.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Annabeth and some guy. Of all the pizza places I go to, she had to be there. I caught her eye for a moment, and she quickly looked down. I turned my attention to Clint and his terrible jokes, doing my best to ignore her, and laughing because I don't want to show pain. You have to understand, Clint wasn't funny, we were all being nice. 

Annabeth POV 
I was on a pizza date with Eli, my mortal boyfriend (big shocker), when a group of people sat down across the room. I recognized most of them because they worked with Tony Stark, one of my idols. I didn't pay them much attention until the youngest guy turned his head and looked at me. Familiar sea green eyes met mine and I knew exactly who it was. I looked down, causing Eli to touch my arm with concern.

"Whats wrong?" Eli asked. I shook my head. 

"It's nothing." I said, glancing back.  

Percy POV
We left and not two steps out of the door way, I bumped into someone. I stepped back and started to apologize when I realized just who it was I bumped into. Annabeth. Her face mirrored my feeling of awkwardness, pain, and anxiety.

"Annabeth... Hi." I said acting surprised. She already knew I was there from the eye contact but every movie says to play it cool and that was my stellar attempt.

"Percy." She said, looking directly at me.  

"So uh hows it going?" I asked a little nervous. I habitually rubbed the back of my neck. 

"Oh, good. I'm good. Um, this is Eli. He's my boyfriend." Boyfriend. Annabeth gestured to the brown haired boy standing next to her. I nodded slowly. She replaced me real fast. Swallowing my hurt, I smiled. 

"It's very nice to meet you Eli. I really should be going but I hope we'll meet up again soon. As long as you're happy Annabeth. Bye." I said briefly touching her upper arm. I turned and walked away, not wanting to cry in front of her. Clint noticed the look on my face and picked me up bridal style. 

"Clint!!! Put me down!" I shrieked. The man only held me to him tighter. The rest of the group was laughing as Clint began sprinting down the street.

"You're married!" I said between laughs. He just ignored me and stopped when he saw Happy, Tony's bodyguard, with the car.

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