I Spun the Bottle: Chapter Ten

Start from the beginning

                Cute? David is cute?

                Well, it wasn’t like I couldn’t deny his looks. David had been one of the cutest guys I’ve ever seen, since about middle school. Not that I’d ever tell him that. His ego was already big enough for both of us. His looks fitted the description of cute, well more than cute, and his body just intensified that.

                I almost felt bad to wake him up now. He had spent the whole night taking care of me, even though most of the time included him teasing me until I eventually just ignored him all together. He woke up just about every hour, even when he thought I was asleep, to see if my ice-pack was still cold, and if my foot was elevated correctly on the pillow he gave me.

                This was a new side I never knew David had in him, and I had to admit that I kind of liked it.

               I let my eyes hover over his face, examining his long, dark eyelashes that any girl would envy. His lips were slightly chapped, but that didn’t stop his lips from looking plump and full. I sat there quietly for a few minutes, still unsure if I should wake him or not. Finally, I made my decision, knowing that I had to get home somehow.

               I stretched my index finger out in front of me, aiming for his bicep. I almost touched him, when his body stirred. Immediately, I retracted my hands and waited to see if he was going to wake up. Within a few seconds, his eyelids twitched and then his eyes fluttered open. David’s hazel eyes looked wildly around the room for a moment before they settled on me.

               A tired, lazy grin spread across his lips then. “Watching me while I sleep? Kinda stalkerish, Lyn.”  

               “Wa—no! I was just going to wake you up!” I declared, feeling my cheeks burn from his accusation.

               “Right. You stick with that.” He winked,  letting a yawn leave his lips.

               “I will.” I muttered, scooting my body to the side so he could put his feet down without stepping on me.

               Realizing that my foot was still in pretty bad shape, he frowned. “You’re supposed to be in the room sleeping. Did you walk out here?”

               “No, I didn’t walk out here. I crawled. And I need you to drive me home.”

              “A crawling Lyn? I wish I saw that. And why? It’s like six in the morning.” He said, glancing at the clock.

              Purposely ignoring the beginning of his comment, I said. “My brother knows I’m not home.”

             “Right, well I’ll take you home after breakfast.”

             “No,” I started. “I need to go home now. My parents are going to wake up within the hour. David they’re going to kill me if I’m not home. Can you take me home? Please?” I added, giving him a very inexperienced puppy dog face. I felt ashamed that I resorted to begging for just a ride home.

              David watched my expression for a second before he began laughing hysterically. “Don’t make that face! It’s hilarious.”

              I felt my face drop, but soon after a glare replaced it. “You’re so mean.”

             “I know.” He replied, the last of his laughter leaving him.

                “Can you please take me home now?”

                “Fine, but I still want my breakfast.”

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