Chapter Five- I hate movies

Start from the beginning

"Justin... just curious, do you happen to have any idea about the test that's gonna start in next few minutes."

The horrified look on his face said it all. Kim and I laughed our asses off.

"What's a test?" He asked, smirking at us.

"Something that will help you graduate high school, Mr. Walker." Ms. Verlon said, dropping his question paper on his desk while he replied with his goofy grin.

And we happened to laugh a little more at his wrecked state. Poor him.


Kimmy and I were all ready for the mission Get-Nobody's-address. There was no way that I could get it any other way. So, we thought to steal. I know that's wrong and maybe I could get suspended for it but, if I have to get back up on the top of the list again, I have to take some risks-- including putting my own ass on the line.

I tried to follow him to his place from school but, when I had even a slightest of clue that he might have seen me, I rushed back. As I said before, I LOVE MYSELF and dying so young would be a shame for not only me but, the entire world. *wink* *wink*

"I'll stay here. Right outside the door and if I heard anyone approaching, I'll do a 'Meow'." She shrieked in a whisper. Kim was exhilarated-- having no clue how dangerous this was.

Not to mention, while I was freaking out, and ready to pee my pants... here my stupid friend was animate about it and jumping up and down in excitement.

"Jeez, Kim! Do whatever you like but, do not let your eyes blink for even a single second. Do you understand?" She nodded her head, head to toe.

"Okay, partner." I opened the door of the principal's office and quickly ran behind the desk to open the drawer where all admission files are placed. I know that through the bunch movies I have seen.

I tried it again and again but, it was locked. Stupid lockers! Who made the lock system anyway?

Cursing whoever made it, I took out my bobby pin and tried to open the drawer with it like they show in the movies. I tried and failed. I tried again and,


I failed!


That stubborn lock didn't even budge not to mention the pin got all twisted. I guess, movies are stupid!!

I looked everywhere possibly a key could be. And found it. Finally, the-stubborn-never-gonna-open-stupid lock, clicked opened. I rummaged inside and there was no file tagged Admissions Of Richmond High.

I really really hate movies!!!


Ugh! Frustrated, I plopped down on the revolving black leather chair and started whirling around.

Haha! It was fun.

I know I should be finishing my mission and get the hell out of there but, have you ever tried swinging on your Principal's chair?

Jeez! It's just so Hilarious.

Immediately, I stopped when something caught my eyes.

A black file with a white slip on it, was resting right there on the wooden table of Mr. Black. It read, Admissions in Richmond High. Sometimes the thing you're finding is right in front of your eyes but, you just can't see it until you're meant to.


Quickly, I scrolled through the bundles of pages and found the recent admission record. I took out my phone to click a picture when suddenly I heard something terrible,

"Miss. Vanchester? What are you doin' outside my office? Do you need anything?" Mr. Black's voice pierced my ears. My heart was about to explode due to the panic attack I was having, as my whole body started to tremble.

"Yes... no. I just wanted you to Happy birthday Sir!"  LAME. LAME. LAME. LAME.

Wow!!! I really don't know how she gets an A in almost every subject! And how fucking she became my BEST FRIEND!!

"But, today's not my birthday. Are you alright? You look little pale and you're really sweating." I could feel that he felt suspicious...

Okay. Bye bye world. I might not see you again.

"Oh... I am so sorry. you know... stupid website said it was your birthday today. And I'm perfectly fine just a little hungry."

She hurriedly added, "Okay then, I am going to CAFÉ. To have some BURGER. You know... it keeps me talking and walking and er... okay um...bye!" She almost yelled at the words, CAFÉ and BURGER for me to know her whereabouts. I wish I ahd knife with me!

And, I bet that puns and her babbling have gotten Mr. Black more curious and dubious.

If he caught me in here, stealing someone's private information, he'll call my parents and will humiliate me to no extent in front of them and eventually, will give his worthless punishment which will go on my records and just don't get me started on what my parents are going to say to me!

No no no no no... That will destroy my reputation even more!!


No fucking way...

Think, Elle. Think...

I looked around to come up with something. And I did.

The door opened and then closed. I heard footsteps getting louder and soon shiny black formal shoes made its way, towards me.

'God please do something! Help me... please. I will come to church this Sunday, I promise... please?' I pleaded.

It was something that I saw in the movie too—taking cover under the table-- I just hope this thing works out else I'm absolutely boycotting movies from my life!

Getting under the table was an easy task but, as you have seen it too... after that something always fells down which the person bents down to pick it up and you know the rest... but, in my case finally something happened in my favor.

Good! I wasn't yet ready to throw movies out of my life anyway.

Mr. Black simply took out the file he came here for from drawer and started to move out. Thank god, I didn't forget to lock the drawer and put the admission file back on its place.

After I heard the door being shut, I immediately got back up and heaved a long sigh-- which I didn't know I was holding back.

I reopened the file and quickly memorized the address of recently admitted Evan Royce. Hoping it was him only, as I had no name for him.

I ran out and Kimmy was really gone. I got out of the hallway; the danger zone, and then called my fucking-backstabbing-best-friend.


Thank you<3

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