Chapter Three- You're Michelle Reynold

Start from the beginning

When I was a kid this huge lonely house seemed to me as if a monster who would swallow me up. I hated being alone. Mom and dad were always gone on international trips for months. Marissa was my nanny not my mom. Though she tried her best to be one and I appreciate that a lot. But, something kept being missed in me.

I took out the water bottle from the fridge and gulped down few sips. I was afraid of being alone. I was afraid of dark. I was afraid of much more things and my parents knew none about it.

When I was 15, we'd a heart to heart conversation in which I understood few things. Like they didn't want any child. It just happened and they were in a bliss when they made the decision to keep the child. And that child was me. I didn't know if I should've celebrated the fact that I was alive because they decided to give me a birth or cried that they never wanted me in the first place.

But, eventually I grew up. I used my alone time in studying, doing assignments and sometimes partying. I always maintained a balance. And slowly, I liked the way I turned my life. I wasn't angry anymore.

The grandfather clock in the living hall did a little Tik-Tok sound letting me know it was half past seven. I crawled up to my room and sluggishly lied on the bed with my destroyed tank top still on me. I was extremely exhausted from what all happened today. Starting from the video to collision to drama to rivalry... I wish I hadn't watched that stupid video and all of the latter ones would have been spared.

After cafeteria scene, we went to Justin's place. He lived in a mansion with an inside pool and we always loved spending our time there. It was kinda our place.

Nonetheless, I stood up and changed into my nights. I was halfway to my bed when I remembered I had Iphone 5 which I merely used for a month last year.

I grabbed it and inserted the SIM card from my broken phone into Iphone 5. It turned on and gladly worked as newly as it used to do.

I laid on my back and immediately opened the site, juggling the laptop to make it stable on my stomach. I scrolled the screen, as I opened the website. The recent video was... The tittle read, #Michelle Reynolds got even more hotter:P (Well, that's not exactly an insult. If the admin of the site is a guy, I bet he has a crush on me) It had 1k view and hundreds of comments in just few hours.

Next video had 14.5k views with thousands of comment.


#Mister Nobody scared the Queen Bee! Ha-Ha#

OH. MY. GOD!!!

I can't believe how fucking desperate people are... huh!

This was our life. This website decided our future. We all depended on it. The admin was an anonymous person—whom we tried to find but, just couldn't. I swear I will kill him/her if I ever find it.

Bad reputation could destroy my future aspects. So, I always remained away from violence or drugs. And now this...

I dialed a familiar number, feeling distressed and alone.


"Did you see the '14.5K' views on your morning video and 1K on the recent one?" She exclaimed from the other end of the line. There was no 'hello' or 'Is your phone working again'?

"Ow, my ears. KIM, you do remember I am not DEAF! Right?"

"Oh... sorry sorry. But, babe you need to do something, soon." She said, almost sounding like Sherlock.

"What? Honestly, I have no cue in boys department and you know that very well. I don't know what to do, Kim." I hummed, wretchedly.

Her amused voice came from other end of line, "Well, remembering the fact that you never had a boyfriend and your only crush is Justin... yeah, I very well know you."

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