Chapter 9

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Waking up next to Knight after their night of passion had Elle feeling a little sore. Okay so not a little, a lot sore. The guy was massive and it was her first time with a man, no a male, since that is what New Species like to be called to separate them from humans.

She got her first glance of Knight's body. Last night she was too preoccupied with all the feelings to get a good look. She could see every muscle in his body. His six pack made her want to rub her hands up and down to see what it felt like, and he had that V that leads to his package. He was perfect.

Looking down at her own body she felt like she didn't compare. She kept fit, but she didn't have muscles or anything that made her special. She felt like the average woman. 5'3'', size C bra, she felt just average laying next to this Adonis.

Knight opened his eyes and saw a contemplative look on Elle's face. He instantly worried, "do you feel alright? You're not too sore are you? I hope I wasn't too rough on you last night, you felt so good I couldn't hold back. I'm sorry little one."

"I'm great Knight. I feel sore, but that's natural due to your size and it being my first time and all."

Knight was confused, "then what was with the look you had on your face when I woke up?"

Elle was embarrassed. How did she explain her insecurities to him. He likes blunt so I'll go with that. "Looking at how amazing you're body is made me a little insecure about my own body. New Species women are really fit and beautiful, and I feel like I look like any other woman. I want to stand out to you, like you do to me. There's no one that compares to your looks, but thousands of women that look like or better than me."

Knight was taken back by what Elle just said to him. Did she really think that? "I can't explain how beautiful you are Elle. You're green eyes are so expressive I can always tell how you're feeling and I love that about you. Your body literally would have brought me to my knees if I wasn't already on them last night. Seeing you laid out in front of me naked, was the best sight I've ever seen, and that's exactly what I thought when I first saw your body. It's still how I feel, but it's even better now because I know you're mine completely. No one else has seen you completely bare and that means the world to me. You're the sweetest, smartest and kindest female I've ever met, which adds to how amazing you're looks are. So no Elle, no one else compares to you. Plus I'm addicted to your smell, and any other females scent repulses me. You're made for me."

If she wasn't so sore this morning, Elle would have been ready to ravage Knight right now. However the thought of him entering her sounded too painful to bare. As much as she wanted him.

Cupping his face, Elle whispers, "you always know the perfect things to say. I'm not used to this much attention from a male. My exs were both assholes and never said anything like that to me. I'm always going to look at you and think I'm so lucky to have you in my life Knight."

Knight growled at the thought of other males in Elle's life. He never wanted to hear or talk about them. From what she said they sounded like dicks that shouldn't have ever had a chance with someone like his Elle.

"Let's get up and have some breakfast. We slept right through dinner last night and I'm being a bad mate."

He pulled Elle up out of their bed and directed her into their closet to get dressed.

"I think I should take a shower or freshen up. You spread us all over my stomach last night and I should wash that off before we go out."

Knight growled at Elle. "No, I want every male to smell and know we are mated."

Elle couldn't believe he wanted their sex life out in the open for everyone to know exactly what they did. But with their heightened sense of smell, she assumed they would be able to tell either way. So she went on her way to the closet and picked out clothes for the day.

She settled on a dark pair of jean capris and a cashmere white sweater with brown sandals. Looks comfy enough for a trip around reservation.

Once she saw the sight of Knight in a tight blue t-shirt with dark blue jeans she almost started drooling. She can't get over how hot this guy really is.

Knight grabs her hand and leads her out of their new home. They get into the nearest jeep and Elle asks, "Isn't someone going to wonder where their jeep went? We seem to keep getting in random jeeps that aren't ours and taking them to wherever we need to go."

"These jeeps are stationed throughout Reservation for all to use. They are no ones in particular, so don't worry that we are taking someone's jeep. We are Species and can get around just as quick on foot as we can by vehicle."

That made sense to Elle. There was no crime on NSO lands, so no one had claim to any vehicle.

They arrived at the cafeteria, and it appeared everyone ate breakfast together. Elle got a little nervous with the amount of people in there and Knight could smell her anxiety. "It'll be alright little one. No one will bother you and they will speak only to me unless they ask if they can speak to you. It is a New Species trait to respect the male's mate, since we can become very jealous of another male simply looking at our mate."

That calmed Elle down and squeezed his hand with hers before they walked in. She could see many of the New Species sniff the air once they walked in and look at Knight.

Knight was smiling so big she thought his face would crack. Elle felt the same about claiming him as hers though, so she didn't feel anxious anymore about what people thought. He was her male, and she is glad about that.

Knights friend Book appeared and slapped Knight on the back. "Congratulations Knight. I am happy for you two. I know we have talked many nights on finding our mate so we would no longer be lonely. I'm glad you will not be lonely and have your mate to care for."

Book glanced towards Elle and said, "I'm happy for you also. Knight is the best male I know. We became close right after we were freed, and there is no one better to care and protect you than him."

Shocked that Book openly talked with her when Knight said no male would. She felt warm and fuzzy by his words.

Knowing these two were close friends, and that being the only reason Book felt openly comfortable addressing her she felt comfortable with him immediately.

"Thank you Book. He truly is the greatest male I've ever met, and I'm never letting him go. I hope to be as good of a mate as he is to me."

Knight squeezed the shoulder he was holding onto and looked into her beautiful green eyes. "You are perfect Elle. Never doubt that."

Glancing at his close friend Book, "And thank you Book. I will no longer go to bed lonely having terrible nightmares of our time in Mercile. I have my Elle to hold onto to know that dreams do come true every once in awhile. Don't worry, you will find your mate soon."

Book looked at the mates pair longingly and walked away. If only he could work up the courage to speak to his mate that lives at Homeland and writes romance novels for a living.

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