Collections and Chronicles

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A/N: Last chapter. No sequel. I love you all, my readers of this story, and it's really sad to see it go. This is like a baby to me because the creation of it was so random but every word was so meaningful, like this is beyond me. Thanks for the support! If you haven't already, read my other stories: A Slum Love Crime, Black Waters, Rolling Stone Savior, College Fiend, Living in the Careless World, and Credentials of Fame. Also, I have something new coming called 'Man of the Year'. Ciao!

That wasn’t it.

That couldn’t be it, of course. After Darrius and I had a relaxation session with my parents, one that lasted about half an hour just to talk to them and bask in the greatness of feeling remembered, we went upstairs and kissed again. And again, and again, and again. Again after that, too.

Each time it felt different, better. The only kisses I’d ever had before was one in seventh grade from a boy named Mohammad, and an accidental kiss from Ezekiel that he tricked me into. But these kisses from Darrius felt like the first ones I would ever have. They were fresh and pure and full of love and apology.

“Why, Darrius?” I whispered into his ear as he held me closer than anyone ever did. We stood outside of my grandmother’s bedroom door where no one would find us. “Why did you say those things to me?”

He loosened his hold on me just a little bit and looked away. “Because that’s how I felt.” Darrius swallowed. “I always felt like you saw me as nothing more than someone to just have around. A friend. I fell in love with you the first day I saw you, and I did a good job ignoring it for all these years. It was only when I realized you had powers that those feelings came back again.”

“Darrius,” I stroked his cheek with my hand softly, comfortingly. Embarrassment was written all over his face, in his eyes. Now I knew that one thing that I always suspected about him; I always knew that he either liked me a lot, or disliked me, just because I could see it in his eyes. The latter was the one that I would have preferred.

But now, none of anything that happened before mattered.

“I’m not going to say that I loved you since the first day I saw you, but I began to fall in love with you the first day I saw you on the island. It grew more and more each day, and I thought you’d be able to tell.”

“I was able to tell. I just thought it would be too good to be true.” Darrius replied.

“You should have known that nothing is too good to be true anymore!”

“I’m sorry, Azealia.” He sighed. “I really am.”

We paused, just to hear the silence again. At least that’s why I stopped talking. If only we were out on the deck, or next to an open window, we’d be able to hear that sweet sound of the waves again. That sound was beginning to become the soundtrack of my life, our lives.

“Besides that…if you loved me, why would you go and try to get with Alexis?”

He finally looked into my eyes, which he’d stopped doing since I brought up the argument. His eyes turned dreamy, and he cracked a half-smile that made my insides melt to nothing.

“It’s stupid, but, I saw how well Milan and Ezekiel were getting along, and I felt like that should be us too, but then I realized that we hadn’t made anything official yet and we didn’t look like we were going to anytime soon. So to punish you for not making a move soon enough, I went and asked Alexis to be my date to the party.”

There was a brief pause of quiet after he finished, and then I laughed until I snorted.

“I told you it was stupid.” Darrius said.

Cranberry Clairvoyant (Azealia Banks Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz