I leaned back in my seat, away from John. I crossed my arms over my chest, and gave her a look. She gave a satisfied humph, and then turned back to teaching. From the corner of my eye I saw John shaking with laughter he was trying to hold in. I glowered at him.

I pulled out my notebook, and started to doodle random patterns on the sheet, before scrawling out a message. 'How did you know?' I nudged it over to John, who was trying to stop laughing. He looked over at me with a giant grin on his face. I gave him a look that meant, not that funny, then nudged the paper. That brought his attention to my note book. He read the note, and then started rummaging through his giant pile of crap, really it looked like he brought everything from his locker with him, for a piece of paper.

I rolled my eyes at how long it was taking, and pulled out a sheet from my notebook. I pushed it in front of John. He gave me a thankful nod, and then started to write out something. He pushed the sheet over to me. When I read the words scrawled across the sheet, my heart stopped for a moment. I read the words over and over again, but they didn't change.

'Your scent changed. You smell like him.'

Whenever somebody sleeps with their mate, their scent will change to intertwine with the mates scent. It only happens to the female though, to show that she is claimed to other wolfs out there.

How could Jace and I forget that. How did we manage to overlook something that would obviously happen. Maybe Jace remembered, but just figured that it wouldn't happen because I was human.

That's it, I was dead! One of Jace's pack members will notice, will tell Jace's dad, and he will have me killed in a moment. My stomach started to turn in anxiety. I leaned my head against the desk, when the queazy feeling started to overwhelm me.

I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I looked up, and saw John's worried face. He tapped the paper, and then pushed it towards me. 'Nobody has noticed yet. I don't know why, but they haven't.'

I looked around, and realized what he was saying was true. Nobody was staring at me, and there were about five werewolves in class. Some were just sleeping. If they had notices then they never would have slept.

I relaxed a bit, and wondered why they didn't realize it. I wrote down my question, and John just shrugged. I rested my head on my arms on the desk.

Why wouldn't they notice that I smelled like Jace? My head swarmed with questions, but I was at least comforted by the fact they hadn't smelled anything, yet. I could only wonder when they would. I knew when it happen I would be a goner.

The bell rang, and everyone gathered their belongings and headed for their locker. I followed students into the mad bustle of the halls. After squirming through the small gaps between the crowd, I made it to my locker. I dumped my English notes, and pulled out my math book and notes. I then continued, moving through the thinned out swarm. My thoughts drifted back to my previous question. Math was filled with doodles, and thoughts on what would happen if we were discovered. I rested my head on my desk, and drifted off. Besides, another half a dozen students were doing the same.

The bell rang, and we all jumped out of our sleepy state. In a dazed state, I walked out of class, and battled my way through the endless swarm. Once again I reached my locker, and swapped out my books and notes. I turned to leave, but somebody bumped into me, and my notes were sent flying.

"Come on!" I muttered, frustrated.

I tried to spot who had rammed into me, but found that they had vanished into the moving crowd. I sighed, and bent down to collect my scattered papers. The halls were starting to clear out, so I knew I only had a minute to make it to class. I got up, and sped to history. I made it into class just as the bell rang. I scurried to my seat in the middle of the room. Everyone took their seats, and waited for the teacher to begin.

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