Part 10

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    Quintin grabbed Bri, and was barely able to drag her out of the strange cave. She cried the entire way home, and although Quintin felt extremely bad about being the cause of her misery, he knew he was doing the right thing. Knowing Astraea could only bring more trouble into their lives. But, there was a nagging feeling in the back of his mind for the next few months that wouldn't let him forget their encounter. He continued living as he had before, but even Nels noticed that something kept bothering Quinn.

When Quintin had returned with Bri, his mother had finally come out of the state she was in, but, before anyone could talk to her, entered another. She would only talk to Bri, and whenever his little sister came out of the room, a look of horror would be in her soft blue eyes. She told her brothers that she spoke in garbled words that made no sense. And that a glaze had crossed over their mother's eyes. After these special meetings with her mother, she would often climb the ladder into the attic and cry herself to bed. Once, Quintin visited her during one of her crying sessions.

"Go away," she said, making a halfhearted attempt at swatting him away.

"Bri, I just want to help." She made a loud hiccup sound between her sobs.

"She did love me, Quinn. She did. She just- She just doesn't love me now." She wailed and cried into her ragged doll's hair, which was now dirty and tangled. Something that showed Quintin her unhappiness. Quintin crawled over to her and lay with her that entire night, comforting her as she bawled.

The next day, Nels had noticed the distant look on Quinn's face that appeared every once in a while ever since their sister had returned as his brother cleaned the chicken pen.

I thought bringing her back would help, Quintin thought as he shoveled some food into the chicken feeder. Not tear this family farther apart. He stood, watching as the chickens pecked away at their food. He remembered the sadness on Bri's face. The tears streaming down her cheeks and turning the dirt in her doll's hair to mud. There was only one way to make her happy again. The only person that had ever been able to help Bri was sure to be able to bring his sister joy once more. Without her, Bri wouldn't even be alive.



The mailroom man's wife, Dilly, stood across from Lucia Vermont, speaking to her quietly, spreading the rumor that she knew would ruin Quintin Luke Regazzini.

He can't visit my daughter again. No, I won't allow it. She wanted to be alone, and she will be.

"You know Quintin Regazzini, my dear?" Lucia nodded. Then blushed.

"He wanted to gain my hand in marriage, but how could I marry someone with his status?" Dilly took Lucia's hand.

"You made the right decision, my lady. He isn't who we think he is." Lucia leaned in closer.

"What do you mean?"

"Remember when the King's messenger relayed the message in the courtyard?"

"That was so long ago!"

" Yes, yes. But you remember?" Lucia nodded again. "Good. I have reason to believe that he is working alongside the witch to destroy the town!" Lucia backed up and scoffed.

"You have no proof, woman. How can I know that what you say is true?"

"It is true, child. I administered the medicine that he used for his sister. The day she went missing, I asked if the medicine worked. He said it had made no difference."

"But, then, how was Bridget cured when she returned? And- she wouldn't have been able to survive on her own in the cold!"

"We must bring him to the King and make him plead guilty of working with Evil!" Lucia nodded eagerly. She was afraid of what the legendary Witch of the Woods could do.

"We must keep the quiet village of Lighthillsafe."

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