Chapter Seventeen: Ember

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I texted back to Aidan.

Alecxis: That is big news. Congrats.

Aidan: Thanks Alecxis. You'll be there right?

Alecxis: I think so. I don't have anything on then and I doubt the leader will give me anything.

Aidan: Great!

I put my phone down and headed to my wardrobe.

I'm so happy for Aidan! And Aliyah! My older brother is getting married! Finally.

I picked out a simple turquoise dress, as I'm not a fashion manic.


It was a week after Aidan had announced that he and Aliyah were getting married and I was at the ceremony. Unfortunately, I had to go before five for a job so we're going to have the speeches first then the actual party so I can say my part. Aidan refused to have it at the normal time when i had said I had to go.

I felt so bad but I had to as it was important and had a pretty heavy impact on my life and everyone at H.Q.

We clapped as Aidan and Aliyah kissed.

I'm so happy for Aidan. I wonder if Jack or James will get married or not...


I just finished my speech and Aidan was doing his. I accidentally spaced out. I snapped out of it when my watch gave me a small, electric shock.

I did my signal to Aidan to show I was leaving. I made a clone and left.

I would've had my clone do my speech but I wanted to say it personally since it was my brother's wedding.


I came back from doing the job and joined the wedding again.

We had the food and then partied into the night. I was tempted to drink but... Last time I tried alcohol, I nearly spat it out, it was so disgusting.

Myself and Max had to go home early because of Leo, Maria and Sky. And we were minding Kyra, Kyle, Glen and Niav.

Seven kids. God, help me.

I don't know why I was calling Kyle, Kyra, Niav and Glen 'kids'.

"Goodnight guys." I said.


My entire family was out on a family trip and by 'entire family', I meant my family, Max's family and Aliyah's family.

Which meant six, five and four. So in total, fifteen people were going.

We were in a mythical land where nearly all mythical creatures lived. Mythical, fantasy, and magical creatures.

"Mam!" Leo, Maria and Sky shouted in unison.

"What?" I asked, turning to my children.

"Look." Leo pointed to a baby dragon.

" Leo pointed to a baby dragon

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