Chapter Four: Extending Family

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It was a year after Maria was born. Nothing much happened to me as I was kept away from all fights and stuff.

I was really pissed off at first, but I gradually accepted the fact that until Maria has learnt how to fight, I can not get involved in the battles.

Things for Max was different. He had a job now. A proper one as he was the right age. Max was never away too long, mainly because H.Q. never allowed it...

I was currently sitting in mine, Max's and Maria's room. Maria was on the floor, practicing her magic.

All magic users learned how to control their magic at a young age.

I smiled as Max walked in.

"What are you all happy about?" Max teased.

We'll never grow up, will we?

"Well, I just came back from another check up and there's new news." I told him, indicating for him to sit down beside me.

"Daddy!" Maria finally noticed here dad and came over to us.

"Hello, Angel." Max said, patting Maria's head. "Now, what's this big news all about?"

"Well... You won't believe it but..." I told him and he was pretty shocked.

"Did you hear that Maria? You'll be a big sister soon." Max played with Maria while I went off to do something.

Since Max was there with Maria, I could go.

I was about to jump into a portal when a hand grabbed me from behind.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"Alecxis! What are you doing?" Aidan asked, letting my arm go.

"Aidan! I-"

"Never mind. I get it. Being cooped up here for over a year now, no action what so ever. James is gunna kill me for doing this but go." Aidan cut me off and pointed to the portal.

"W-Why? You know that the two of us will be in trouble." I said.

"I'm letting you go because you're my sister, younger sister at that, and I don't like seeing you just wandering around aimlessly. I tried to get James to allow you to go and do some fighting but still no. Look, if you're going, go now. Be back before long ok?" I stared into Aidan's eyes and I could see he was telling the truth.

I hugged him.

"Thank you! Thanks so much Aidan!" I let go and ran straight into the portal.


I landed on a roof top, somewhere nearby Antieku. {Yes, we're in Tokyo Ghoul again! Couldn't resist.}

I got up and put my mask on and jumped from roof top to roof top. I was looking for a feeding ground.

I hate to killing innocent humans for food here so I usually go for cannibalizing other ghouls.

I found a group of ghouls, picking on a group of humans. Since I don't like killing humans, or seeing them be killed, I killed the ghouls. As I ripped of an arm from a dead ghoul, the group of humans ran away, screaming and calling for the CCG.

I sighed and quickly finished my meal. I hadn't been out for soooooo long that I just want to kill, kill, kill and kill even more.

This is the effects of being locked up, isn't it?

I felt like I was being tortured, like I was here.

I went off to see if I could find anyone I knew. I made my way to Antieku. It was only about five in the evening so they should be open.

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