Chapter Twelve: Getting Started

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I was in the spare room in our house, I usually go there when I need to think.

What's going to happen? Myself, Max and even the kids are now part of the mission! What could be so fun, or dangerous, that the leader would make nearly EVERYONE participate?!?!

"Alecxis! Hurry up! We gotta go! Now!" Max yelled.

"Yeah! Ok! Be down in a minute!" I shouted back.

I grabbed my backpack which contained a load of things, though since it's a magic backpack, it's as light as a feather, no matter what is in it! Put an anvil in, still as light as air.

"Coming!" I shouted, racing down the stairs. "Sorry."

"It's fine. The kids have their stuff and I have mine. I'm guessing your all packed and ready?" Max asked.

"Yep. I wonder what's so important."

I think it has something to do with testing everyone or something." Aidan said, appearing at the door.

"Don't sneak up on us like that!" I gave my brother a playful punch on the shoulder.

"Whatever. We have to go. It's like a scavenger hunt or something. We have to use our survival skills, our powers and our instincts." Aidan explained.

"How do you know- Oh. Did you eavesdrop on James and the leader?" I questioned.

"What?! N-No. Well.. Maybe." Aidan admitted.

I shook my head disapprovingly.

"What? I was just curious."

"Whatever. Let's go." I took Max's hand and we left with the rest of our group. I saw Ash, Summer and Moeka with their families. "Wow. This must be important for EVERYONE to be gathered here."


I gasped. Then I realized that it was just Max messing with me.

Don't do that! I thought angrily.

Sorry, but we'll need this to stay in contact with each other. Max shrugged.

Fine. Next time, give me a thumbs up when you're about to scare the life out of me. 

"Ok ok! I get the idea!" Max said out loud. People around us stared at Max, confused because no one had said anything. "Uh.. Sorry."

We entered the huge portal gate.


"Ok! Listen up everyone!" our leader shouted into a microphone.

Yeah, he shouted. It was LOUD.

"Alright. You're probably all wonder why you're here but let me explain. You are all here for a little game of survival. Don't worry, no one will die. I'll explain the rules.

1. You will all be split up into teams of twenty five. You must work together to be the last standing team.

2. You are NOT allowed kill, try and you'll be disqualified. Even if you try, no one can die as all of you will have a protective spell to prevent you from dying, from anything.

3.  You may use everything you have learnt from school, Magic Academy, and lessons.

4. Appoint ONE person to be the team captain. This person must have a good sense of teamwork and must not be selfish. Think of what is best for your team.

5. You may go after other teams to eliminate them. The protective spell with take a person out of the game if they are badly hurt.

6. Be on your guard at all times, there are wild monsters and bad guys out there.

7. Once the game begins, you CAN NOT ask to leave. Everyone must participate.

8. As long as at least five players in the last surviving team are  present, you win.

9. No splitting up into smaller groups. Stick together.

10. Be nice to you team leader and team. No being rude or storming off.

That is it. You will all be split into your teams in a minute. Each and everyone of you will have a copy of the rules and giving medical kits, water and food. Since you have brought your own supplies too, go all out.

The teams will be sorted out now. Thank you for your attention." the leader finished and went over to James. 

All the people over a certain age or that have disabilities, will not compete which seems fair to me. And obviously, not babies or kids three or under will part take.


I was now in my team and surprisingly, I was with Aidan, Jack, Kyle, Leo, Max, Glen, Ash, Moeka, Synister, Tyler and some others.

"Ok. Now vote and appoint your team leader and choose your team names! We will begin in fifteen minutes." H.Q.'s leader shouted into the microphone. Again.

Who's it gunna be...?

We all voted in our heads and then the scores were added up, with the top three.

Rank: 1st
Name: Jack
Number Of Votes: 9 votes

Rank: 2
Name: Alecxis
Number Of Votes: 9 votes

Rank: 3
Name: Lukas
Number Of Votes: 7 votes

"Wow." I said out loud.

"Lucky." Max teased.

"Shut u. We need o vote again." and we did.

Team Leader: Alecxis

"WHAT THE?!" I asked , shouting. "How the hell did I get chose? I was sure that-"

"Calm down. You're the leader, there's nothing more too it." Max said.

"Yeah. Sorry. Ok team! We need a name." I told them. 

Everyone gathered around.

"Ok. Suggestions?"

Red Devils

Shining Sapphires

The Winners

Hell Hounds

Team Elemental

That was all of the suggestions.

Huh, ironic. My team in Earthland, in Bloody Rose, is called Team Elemental. I thought to myself.

"Great names. Now for the voting."

Everyone, once again, voted in their heads. Here's the results.

Team Elemental

Hell Hounds

Red Devils

The Winners

Shining Sapphires

"Ok. Looks like Team Elemental won." I said, counting up the votes.

Maybe because we all use different powers?...

"Everyone! Time's up! Time to get started!" the leader's voice rang out.

Sorry that it's shorter than normal. I spent about two hours on it, coming up with the rules, doing the voting... Well, anyway I got it done. The next chapter should be longer than normal. BAI!! -Alecxis

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