Dead And Alive

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"And I heard you were on a mission saturday? You haven't told me about that either." I said, changing the subject. Her face changed, her smug smile now disappeared. "Yeah, my first mission. The mutant that I once mentioned, he calls himself XAjna. The x-men team tried talking to him, convincing him it was a bad idea to attack the humans, but he didn't listen. We found out there's been a smaller attack in Pennsylvania, so we had to try a different method-" I heard the bibbing sound of my phone in my handbag. I slowly slipped my hand into the bag, and grabbed the phone. It was a text from my dad. He rarely used a phone, so it had to be important for him to text me. I opened the text and read the words, while Rogue still continued her story. Come to the hospital, as fast as you can. 


I got on the bus right after reading the text. Rogue understood that it was important, and asked to go with me, but I declined. If my mom was dead, I wanted to be alone. Not only had I not visited her once at the hospital, but I really believed that she would pull through, cuz that's my mom. I got out of the elevator, and went down the corridor, looking for room 134. This was what I'd tried to avoid. Walking down the grey corridor, surrounded by illness, to find my mom amongst the weak, dying people. I'd convinced myself she wouldn't die. I was so convinced, that I wasn't even scared anymore. When I went down another corridor, I saw my dad sitting on a bench beside a closed door. He looked up, when he heard my footsteps. He smiled. "Y/N, I'm so glad to see you." He said, but he didn't seem unhappy. When I got closer and sat down, I could see his smile was genuine. "Mom is... dead?" I forced the words out of my mouth. To my surprise he shook his head. "She's quite the opposite. It seems that over the night the cancer cells has disappeared." My mouth fell open in shock. I didn't understand. "What? How is that possible? Can I see her?" The words tumbled out of my mouth at once. My heart was about to jump out my chest, surprised to hear the opposite of what I thought. I could feel a single tear sliding down my cheek, as my mind tried process the fact that my mom survived. "You can't see her now. The doctors are examining her, trying to find out how this happened." His leg was bouncing up and down, and I could feel the restlessness surrounding him. "How long are we going to wait?" I asked. "I don't know. They said it might take some time." I put my hand on his leg, to stop it from bouncing. He looked at me, and I smiled, trying to calm him down. "What about I find a glass of water for you? And you try to calm down." I said. He smiled and nodded. "There's a water machine if you go down the left corridor." He said, and pointed. I got up, and went down the corridor, and when I got to the end, turned left.

He seemed almost as anxious as the day my mom was hospitalised. It was also hard to believe that she was actually cured, when we hadn't seen her yet. I couldn't fully convince my brain, before I'd seen her alive and well. I tried to picture her face from before she got cancer. She'd had it for a year now, and I only remembered how her face turned paler as the days went by. In the end she was too sick to stay home. I remembered her face. All grey, and her eyes barely open. Thats the only thing I remembered.

I saw the water machine at the end of the corridor. There were standing two chairs beside it. One empty. One occupied by a guy, sitting with his face in his hands. I went over to fill a glass with water, ignoring the guy. I could see out of the corner of my eye, that he was looking at me. "You're here too?" The guy said quietly. I turned my head to look at his face, and saw a pair of familiar dark eyes. "Pietro?" He smiled, but I could see his eyes were red, like he'd been crying. "Are you here to visit your mom?" I asked. He rubbed his eyes, but kept smiling. "Not exactely. She died yesterday." He said, looking at his hands. I didn't dare leave him like that, so I sat down in the chair beside him. His eyes followed me, as I sat down, and his smile widened. "I'm so sorry, Pietro. Did she have cancer too?" I asked. He leaned back in his chair, his eyes searching for something down the corridor. "Yes. Her room was over there." He pointed his index finger towards a door in the middle of the corridor. "Guess I'd hoped this was only a dream, but when I came back, her room was empty." His dark eyes laid upon mine. I could feel an intense sadness, as I looked at him. It was like he was holding back so many feelings, and was about to burst. I felt bad, cuz my mom had just survived what killed his. I didn't know what to say, afraid I'd say something wrong. 

My hand found its way to the back of his hand, in an atempt to comfort him. His hand turned around and clutched mine. "How's your mom?" He asked. "She's fine." I couldn't figure out whether it was sadness or anger in his eyes. It scared me that it seemed impossible to figure out what was going on inside of him. He talked so much, but so little. "Let's hope she pulls through." He said. "Actually... I'm waiting for the doctors to finish examining her. She's somehow cured and we don't know how." I said slowly. He looked me in the eyes and smiled, still holding back tears. His short silver hair was gleaming in the harsh hospital light. So Bright in contrast to his dark mysterious eyes. I would do anything to be able to see through the darkness in his eyes, and see his soul. Who he really was. 

"I'm glad to hear that.." He said in a low voice. "And I'm sorry if I act like an ass sometimes." He looked down, smiling at the floor. I studied the depth of his dimpels, how they were connected to the corner of his mouth. How they were formed perfectely in his cheeks. How they made him look so sweet and peaceful. "At least you don't act like an ass all the time." I answered. The warm hand clutching mine, confused me, as it wasn't Kurts. I wouldn't hold anyones hand but Kurts, and I definately wouldn't enjoy it.  I slowly pulled back my hand, as I started to feel uncomfortable. I should go back to my dad, I thought. "My dad is waiting for me, so I should probably go now. But Pietro, you can always talk to me if you need someone." I said. With glass in my hand, I got up, and turned to face him. Despite the fact that Kurt had told me, plenty of times, to stay away from this guy, I was still here, talking to him. I just couldn't see the evil in him. He'd never done anything to me. "You can also wait with me if you want?" I blurted out, before thinking it through. His smile widened, and he got up. His eyes stared directly into mine, and somehow I saw a bit of the darkness fade away. "Yeah, I'd like that."


We were all three waiting outside my mothers hospital room. My dad was still as anxious as ever, and I couldn't wrap my head around the thought of my mom being well again. For some reason it soothed me to have Pietro by my side. Just someone by my side. Who unfortunately wasn't blue. When the door beside me opened, I'd have my mom back. Alive and well. After one year with cancer, It'd finally be over. I could feel Pietros hand on my arm, soothing away the spin of thoughts in my head. If I closed my eyes, I could almost imagine the hand being Kurts. Kurt with 5 fingers and no tail. God I missed him. My thoughts stopped, as the door beside me opened. A doctor came out. My chest hurt. Breath fastened. The doctor talked. "After running a few tests with her, we found out that there's been injected some kind of unknown serum in her blood. We've decided to go through the security cameras footage, to find out what has happened, and who did it. We'll also be examining her blood, so we know what has been injected in her. She's well now, but I'll tell you this before you enter the room. She may not be exactely how you remember her."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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